Sue Tech!!!! 已經被大家都猜出來了哈哈傳說中的古埃及神塞特,請回1975年<Pyramids of Mars>飾演同一個角色的Gabriel Woolf回歸飾演 - 他也在新版<The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit>裡飾演過Beast,所以Carla叫他Beast的時候是個彩蛋
不祥之兆念出的萬神殿成員 Toymaker, god of games Trickster, god of traps Maestro, god of music Reprobate, god of spite Mara, god of beasts threefold deity of malice and mischief and misery gods of skin and shame and secrets Incensor, god of disaster(孩子是doubt和dread) Sutekh, god of all gods / god of death