3 months ago
haha so open enrollment for insurance opened today
latest #26
3 months ago
I went to the meeting mostly because it got me out of the smelly, fly infested office for an hour
3 months ago
Im already on the cheapest insurance plan the company has since I'm single/no kids etc
3 months ago
The company moved to a new insurance and theyre charging 17 BUCKS MORE PER WEEK for the cheapest plan
3 months ago
THAT'S ROUGHLY $60 PER WEEK LMAO???? $240 a month vs the $172 I'm paying now FUCK RIGHT OFF
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
I know that probably doesn't sound like a lot to some people but for fuck's sake EVERYTHING is coming after my money lately what the fuck is happening
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Im so annoyed i can't type
Damn wtf, for just you???!
3 months ago
The fuck
3 months ago
I mean I can type but im not catching autocorrect trying to make up words lmao
3 months ago
What the fuck that’s insane
3 months ago
I'm bout to shove this insurance right up the company's ass
3 months ago
You fuckers already dont pay me enough lol fuck off
3 months ago
People smarter at health insurance than me plz recc affordable alternatives lol
3 months ago
Affordable that isnt shit I might add
i'd recommend checking the federal ACA site if your state doesn't have one
Tips about the Health Insurance Marketplace®i'm not sure what the qualifying income is anymore but through here you might qualify for assistance paying for a plan
3 months ago
lmaoit was kind of funny in the meeting one of the guys flat out said "17 more dollars a month?? You know we work for (company), right?" Some higher up that was there got all pissy at him but dude isnt wrong
i'm so grateful for my job again...the plans went up but our office manager/overseeing team campaigned for the company to contribute more so we actually are paying less...
3 months ago
Sure would be cool if our boss gave a shit lol
3 months ago
More fun jokes life is playing on me: the area under my nose that JUST HEALED FROM A STAPH INFECTION is red and swollen again!!!!!!!!
3 months ago
Which I notice just as im thinking of canceling my bullshit insurance HOW VERY COOL
3 months ago
What the fuck is it about this very specific area of my face????? Why didnt antibiotics kill this????
staph can be tricky. not that this is the drug-resistant stuff (HOPEFULLY) but i get the feeling overall it can be a pain
3 months ago
I can't say I'm a fan
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