Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
Be me, playing , and running DNC in a Smileton roulette. I notice that both the tank and the other DPS are supposedly new, so I throw out one-sentence little tips on the mechanics of the boss fights, just so that they’re not taken too off guard. Tank apparently takes offense that I’m trying to be nice, and kicks me from the party. [free to mute]
latest #23
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
The healer was also not new, and kept trying to encourage the tank to do double pulls by sorta running ahead, like, “You can keep going, it’s okay!” They never pulled any other mobs, but just kept sorta encouraging. Tank was doing single pulls, and I figured that y’know what, everyone goes at their own pace, it’s fine.
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I comment at the second boss, “Big aoes in the direction of the arrows” and the tank says, “So they point out the mechanics just like every boss fight, big deal”
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
This after both the tank and the other dps died to the mechanics of the first boss fight
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I said, “Okay, no more offering tips to new players, got it.” Of course, I then got, “I didn’t ask for any”
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I just decided to no longer engage with them, didn’t want to feed the trolls. After the fight, healer said, “dnc was just trying to be helpful,” and I told them that it was okay, I wasn’t going to spend any more time interacting than was needed
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
Then as we head into the first pull of the next area, my screen goes black and I’m notified that I was vote-kicked, probably by the tank and the other dps out-voting the healer
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I logged off the game entirely just now and put my computer away because otherwise I’mma launch it in pure rage
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I hope the healer abandoned them
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I hope they get a completely blind new healer and new dps
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I hope that they die against the final boss so many times that their gear breaks, and they run out of time and the dungeon kicks them out
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I hope that the tank accidentally nudges his gaming system’s power cord and unplugs it right before he wins the loot roll for an item that he was trying to grind for forever
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I just
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I remember when this game was known for having a fantastic and supportive community
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
I remember how a sign of a good tank was that they’d check for any players new to the dungeon and go over mechanics with them, and if they themselves were new, they’d ask for tips
Tonberry King
2 weeks ago
for the sake of saying it: you're not crazy. that tank is wrong. I wish them wet socks and itchy shirts.
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
Tazrael: thanks
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
That does help
2 weeks ago
Tank needs to walk barefoot on legos
That tank was just nasty. I play WoW but I love when a veteran tells me mechanics.
2 weeks ago
that tank was absolutely in the wrong, and in my experience this is not common
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
The other part that pissed me off is that the other DPS, who died twice to the first boss, also voted to kick me.
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago
Regardless, I wish that I’d stayed online and sent in a report about that tank.
2 weeks ago
Man, most of the time people are chill, but when you get bad people they are really bad
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