4 weeks ago
Ick. Just had a migraine hit me so strong the room literally spun around for a few seconds.
latest #25
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
Glad they only crop up every 3 or 4 months now. I can't believe I went over a year where I got 3 a WEEK.
4 weeks ago
The specialist I saw even said my pain tolerance must be extremely high cause he was surprised I didn't have one every DAY.
4 weeks ago
/strokes hair
4 weeks ago
Took some Excedrin, drank some Coke, and ate a piece of dark chocolate, so that'll hopefully ward off the worst of it.
4 weeks ago
I couldn't even get up from the couch for like ten minutes to even do that much. I can tell the Excedrin is working, cause in the worst of it I can't even BE in a room with normal lighting or sounds.
4 weeks ago
If ever Marvel wants to write Wolverine and his kids having accurate heightened senses, they should read up on the hypersensitivity people with migraines get cause I imagine it's similar.
4 weeks ago
I can smell, see, and hear EVERYTHING with perfect clarity and it SUCKS.
4 weeks ago
Human beings are not designed for this much sensory input at once, this is why our brains overload and migraines happen.
4 weeks ago
Ooooo, the nausea hit! No food for Shade. Body, get it together. The paradox of needing food to feel better and heal while being unable to EAT is unacceptable!
oh no! I hate those!!!
that sucks
4 weeks ago
oh man, one like that woke me up from a dead sleep once and when the vertigo hit once my eyes were open (because my own breathing was Too Loud™) my first coherent thought was: "Did we forget to pay the gravity bill?"
4 weeks ago
Shade has used heal and feels somewhat better. I'm gonna order a pizza cause I'm starving and I need some greasy, hot food.
4 weeks ago
Pizza is ORDERED!
4 weeks ago
I'm so fucking hungry it's ridiculous.
4 weeks ago
All I had yesterday was a milkshake with banana and peanut butter in it and still the peanut butter almost did me in
4 weeks ago
Ate, drank, and might pass back out, though IDK if my body will accept anymore rest at this point in time.
4 weeks ago
It's so fucking boring not being able to watch TV, read, or tag because my mind is in too much pain.
4 weeks ago
Chronic pain of any kind SUCKS and I wait for the day science can make a chip they can install in serial killers and child molesters where it gets transferred to them so people can live pain-free.
4 weeks ago
Still too pukey to do tags, so I made a new account instead.
let's add serial rapists to that list
also yes chronic pain sucks so much and it's why I tend to spend all of Friday dozing
4 weeks ago
YUP, just install it in all scummy people in prison and let them suffer that way for the rest of their lives.
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