1 months ago
I thought I had been approved for Unemployment, but I just got a message for an interview on the 24th (still 12 days away) because they have a question that may approve or deny my claim. I’m so nervous and anxious all over again because I’m only working 20 hours a week and won’t have the money to finish paying bills this month or rent on the first.
latest #7
1 months ago
So now I have 12 days to freak out all over again. I’m trying to find another job and either not getting responses or not getting hired after the interview.
1 months ago
For two days I was able to breathe a little and now I’m back to panic attacks.
1 months ago
Both Mint and car registration is due next month. That's $900 on top of my usual bills. To get my balance canceled on just one card I have to prove unemployment and I can't do that until after my interview. If I get approved.
1 months ago
I have to make a payment on that card on the 20th so it's not behind when I apply to have the balance canceled. But I need to pay rent first and car insurance and I still have a past due balance on PG&E.
1 months ago
I have less than $100 left in my account. I still need cat food and dog food. My next check is only going to be $600 maybe.
1 months ago
Someone please tell me everything is going to be fine.
1 months ago
Sending you all the good energy and virtual hugs I can manage.
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