4 weeks ago
latest #26
4 weeks ago
We started this during the pandemic and it's finally come to a close!
4 weeks ago
I had them watch the Siege of Mandalore/ROTS mash-up movie that was edited by a fan and that took four days to finally wrap it all up!
4 weeks ago
I've told them I am NOT letting them take this long with any of the other series.
4 weeks ago
Fortunately, most are limited runs like Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, so hopefully we can get through them quickly.
4 weeks ago
The one I know will be tricky for them is Rebels. Not that I don't like Rebels but the show, much like TCW, starts off a bit......rough shall we say until it finds its footing.
4 weeks ago
And it's a lot of episodes, though thankfully not nearly as many as TCW.
4 weeks ago
Also tricky will be seeing if they want to watch the "movie cuts" on YT of Fallen Order and Survivor.
4 weeks ago
That one will mainly be up to my mom. On the con side, she gets bored easily, and even with cutting it down to just essential fights and the cutscenes, there's still a lot of just watching someone play the game. She's not a "Let's Play" watch through kind of person.
4 weeks ago
On the plus side, she's been a BIG fan of Cameron Monaghan ever since watching him grow up in Shameless, so I might be able to convince to at least sit down for half hour watchings at a time for him.
4 weeks ago
My dad, he'll watch anything, so that's good.
4 weeks ago
But no more binge watching stretched out over five years. That was RIDICULOUS. Made even more so by the fact my dad is willing to watch an hour of anything and then taps out. A hour and a HALF if we're lucky.
4 weeks ago
Also it was nice seeing Maul on-screen for an impromptu canon review.
4 weeks ago
I asked my parents if they thought Ahsoka was gonna die since they know absolutely NOTHING about any other shows. They said no but they said they weren't entirely sure because of how many close calls she has in the last episodes.
4 weeks ago
A coworker once asked me why my parents were taking so long and I told them they weren't big binge-watchers. He asked how much we had left and I told him the last season. He was like "Oh, you can do that over a single weekend." I had to be like "HAH! If only my parents were that adept at watching TV."
4 weeks ago
What's ridiculous is my mom will watch her shows on the alphabet networks for hours at a time and Dad will binge-watch 13 episodes of Law & Order in a row (his favorite all-time show), but anything else? Nooooooooo, after three episodes it's whines of "I'm tired" and "My back is too sore to sit down any longer" and "No more."
4 weeks ago
I'm surprised they lasted the two hours tonight it took to finish this but they could tell when we were getting to the end. Dad almost tapped out LITERALLY right at the end, specifically the scenes were everyone gets "set up" for the next movies, and I was like "NOPE. We are literally 3 minutes away from the ending, deal with it."
4 weeks ago
speaksincolor dyads A question for you both: do you have any recommendations for a "movie cut" of the games?
4 weeks ago
Mom for the reasons stated above ain't gonna sit through a let's play and I figured you two are the experts on Cal's adventures, so I figured you might know.
hmmm I don't know of any off of the top of my head but I can scope out and check - i've been wanting to canon refresh without replaying JFO anyways, so.
actually... I did watch one a little while back... let me see if I can find it again
congrats on finishing!
4 weeks ago
dyads: Thank ye kindly!
STAR WARS: Jedi Fallen Order The Movie 1080p HDokay I think this ones pretty good! I watched it a few years back when I was first thinking of playing Cal and didn't have a console to replay the game on
just a little two hours of runtime and the cutscenes are edited together p decently
4 weeks ago
Gracias! That's perfect!
you're welcome, hope the fam enjoys!
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