this event!!!!! FINALLY (this is my plotting comment bc idk if i'll actually get to the in game one but. let's gooo)
latest #12
so ready to see the chaos in Thorne HAHA
feeling a little sad again I let Rhy go but

it's ok. Red will be eager to be helpful in Solvunn and I'm looking forward to seeing how I can involve him there
2 weeks ago
Geralt will need to have a Conversation with ciri (he'll have the same one with Jaskier)
2 weeks ago
bc of Yennefer
work has killed me this week (it's only Tuesday) and tbh I feel like one of those sad scooped-out bagels but

I managed to drag myself to the gym and now I'm heading home to eat dinner so I hope!! I can recover enough energy later tonight to touch the plotting post
discontinued: yes I want

I saw yen will warn him a little bit ahead of time
2 weeks ago
NOOOOT quite but I'll pull you into DMs bc Yennefer is involved in a special plot
looking at my inbox i am gonna focus on. actual tags
so this is my plotting space now come to me if you have Thoughts, or we can simply
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