Becca Stareyes
3 weeks ago
I am excited that the character base is full of nerds (and a few hapless others who are wondering why they are here with the nerds).
latest #8
2 weeks ago
I think that Claudia is going to probably insist that he put on a grounding bracelet and teach him about how to be electrically neutral in the near future.
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
Probably fair.
2 weeks ago
It might not save the poor electronics, but who knows.
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
Some of it will help once Penric's powers settle down. Then you only have 'very smart guy, but he's from the equivalent of 1400CE Europe'.
2 weeks ago
Claudia will totally have to trot out her big brother's explanations to a precocious midget of how advanced physics works using standard playground equipment.
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
If it helps, Pen has an intuitive grasp of some unexpected shit thanks to his magic. (Like 'rust is like slow fire' and 'diseases seem to be caused by something living, but very diffuse in the body'.)
2 weeks ago
And Claudia has some knowledge of crafts that are very old-fashioned.
2 weeks ago
Like she could probably forge her own tools without having to do research.
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