1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
If you ae in the moood for some hard facts about fairy tales, here they are:Sibling Rivalry | themesoffairytales's Bloghttps://images.plurk.com/5SxNNR89ezbU7ObUfd3KpM.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7EK8bIMed8vvLY3L5lg9v8.jpg https://images.plurk.com/70SLkhK6IgMZIYSzyYJ97P.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1fS1nGXwrO6qNbGwZ3kBmj.jpg
Skip Z
1 months ago
thank you
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
There are other examples, and it's not always the smart one (but always the one with some quality) who gets the reward. In The Three Feathers, a king has three sons, and to decide who will inherit the throne, he sends them to accomplish some tasks, but they have to go the way shown by feathers thrown in the wind.
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
One goes east, the second goes west, and the third one just falls on the ground. Because they are so certain the unlucky one will be unable to complete the tasks, they come back having done the bare minimum, and of course, through a magic encounter, their brother still wins.
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
If you are interested: The three feathers - Grimm
1 months ago
StereoNacht: Thank you, I'm familiar with the story. It's known in several variations from Japan to Great Britain, From Norway to South Africa.