3 weeks ago
latest #8
Let It Soar💚
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
Which character(s) that you've roleplayed surprised you must with how much you enjoyed (or didn't enjoy) playing them? Or by you wanting to rp them to begin with?
3 weeks ago
I feel like the last time I got a "where did this muse even come from?!" was Meilin Lee from Turning Red, since i definitely wasn't expecting to come out with any muse at all from watching that, especially not a super-smart girl of pure thirst and generational trauma. But the year I played her was lots of fun, no regrets.
3 weeks ago
What's the most satisfying character development that one of your characters has experienced in a game?
3 weeks ago
I think for that, I've got a tie - First, the time with Princess Minnie in Empathias. She started as a weak princesses who happily let everyone do hard work for her - and by the time I dropped her, she had nearly mastered magic and was capable of kicking ass on her own, and she did so gladly.
3 weeks ago
the second is Mikan Tsumiki during wonderland. This was interesting because while it was development, it was kind of good and bad at the same time - Yeah, she became more independent and self-confident, but at times that also led her down some dangerous paths, including violent outbursts. It was darkly fun.
3 weeks ago
A new meaning to Minn/maxing
3 weeks ago
Oh Mikan
3 weeks ago
goddamit gore
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