Do it for him
3 weeks ago This popped up, and I have opinions.
latest #45
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
It's a "most hated character list" and right off the bat? Get the pony girl off. It's been years since I watched MLP, and I know she reforms herself after her initial showing.
Game Over
3 weeks ago
love how there are two family guys characters on here
Game Over
3 weeks ago
also kill whoever put mabel on the list
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Mako (in show anyway) was cardboard, though I definitely remembered intense;y disliking him the first two seasons and wondering why the girls liked him at all.
3 weeks ago
Who made this... How can they be so wrong?
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
I get WHY people put Mabel on the list, but she certainly doesn't deserve to be hated.
3 weeks ago
^ I was just going to say
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
She's a KID, she'll do dumb/selfish things
3 weeks ago
Someone has opinions that arent good ones
3 weeks ago
Putting Jax on this list is just wrong on a basic factual level.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Brian and Peter are objectively awful but SO IS EVERYONE in Family Guy
3 weeks ago
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
So they aren't special enough to be on the list anyway
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
So now
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
getting THAT out of the way
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
...well, hold on.
Yon Fellow
3 weeks ago
Sadly and ineffectually objects on behalf of Mako
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Moredcai is also slightly exempt as he is a dumbass but means well
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Even if he did take his potential relationships and nuke them into space
3 weeks ago
I'd like the reaons behind certain characters
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
In a way I think even Mako would just shake his head slowly at
Yon Fellow
3 weeks ago
I didn't ship him with anybody but I don't get why anybody hated him.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Like I said, with Mako its the first two seasons.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Spongebob. Just. Why.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
But THAT aside, lets get to the actual real picks
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Jax is an asshole, flippant about it, and in his setting? It makes him funny even if you hate him a bit.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Cartman is awful on so, so many accounts, but again, we're talking a show where there is some competition in being the asshole.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
The REAL candidates, IMO, are the three on the top
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
You get Bubblegum, who is ruthless and bad in many ways, but you understand why, given what she has to work with. Apocalypse aftermath, her own made family try to kill her, as does most threats to her kingdom. You don't have to agree with PB, but you understand.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond is...more complicated. We're seeing her go FROM Quartz to Diamond, so we're actually seeing her in reverse, from the petty wannabe tyrant who tried to be good and even in that fails badly.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
She neglects Spinel, she ditches Pearl for Greg, you can technically even be mad at her for what happens to earth when the Diamonds launch their final attack.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
We don't, unfortunately, GET her perspective after that because its impossible. We just know she transitions to being Rose, and then makes the decision to give Steven the chance to live, likely because she comes to believe he'll be the good she never could be.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
On that basis, I do somewhat sympathize with Pink Diamond.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
I do not extend that courtesy to Queen Moon. As much as the SVTFOE writing is a trashfire in season 4, we are at the mercy at what they give us of our characters.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
So the last, greatest conflict in that season is. Mina Loveberry. An unhinged character who now has access to technology to create soldiers to carry out her plan to genocide all monsters on Mewni. How did this happen? Wno made it possible.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
And why?
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Because Eclipsa wouldn't allow her to single handedly murder her daughter which, by the way, Eclipsa technically does herself.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
And then Moon fucks off into the weird star realm, forgets who she is and has to be rescued and all that. Which they do.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Apparently, this is SO unforgivable that Eclipsa did this she allows someone she KNOWS is crazy to fight off Eclipsa being queen, despite her being the RIGHTFUL heir. Sure, it endangers monsters and even some of her own people who aren't monster hating fanatics
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
But that's no big deal, apparently.
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
So in my opinion, fuck SVTFOF and FUCK Queen Moon especially, no I don't care that she "apologized" as that is not something you can apologize away, miss petty queen..
Do it for him
3 weeks ago
...God, I hated last season of that show.
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