june | https://images.plurk.com/3vKy64O424fxduwNTW11Fr.png
latest #63
i'm here, alive, etc.
i am trying to roll out my yoga mat but the cat is in the way.
a cursed bird.
1 months ago
well guess the mat can't go there
https://images.plurk.com/5jp4M4y7VlIBJCa3Ky58Ob.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5CUcC3GISm8NAUqGCZ0OJ8.jpg
i rolled the mat out.
beware the ides
1 months ago
time for cat yoga
red wolf
1 months ago
she needs it for big stretch
honestly, incredible grace and flexibility demonstrated
she likes to do a leisurely stroll underneath me when i am in down dog (and also rub her face against my outstretched limbs)
in all, a positive for my practice
Prof. Meowmers
1 months ago
She's a yoga expert
1 months ago
Zelda used to like to try to sit on my shins while I was doing half boat
1 months ago
Kitten. Baby. I am working hard enough without you adding to it.
oh nooo… it's very hard to keep abigail away from yoga.
i am on a bit of a fitness kick lately. trying to work out twice a day!!
i've been feeling kind of blah about my body lately and i cannot figure out how much of that is missing movement after spraining my ankle a month ago (i still wear a brace on it) and how much of it is the popular landscape conspiring to make every woman feel blah about her body.
i did buy a lot of cute workout clothes though!!
big nui
1 months ago
ohhh cute workout clothes!!
a cursed bird.
1 months ago
cute workout clothes a great help ime
it's true
in fact i am just buying some new running shoes on super discount!
anyway i have a physical therapy appointment tuesday morning.
i bought a new foundation because my current one is a little too light now that it's summer, and the new shade is a little too dark still but mixing them together??? i'm astonished. this feels so decadent, so powerful.
we're doing fire alarm testing today so I am cooking lunch with a blaring alarm rn.
i am glad that i didn't take a shower when i was planning to and held off though because that would have been extremely unfun.
it stopped!! thank goodness.
update: it started again.
the naked bike is going by my window right now
abigail… does not care.
today i am wearing a cute dress to the farmer's market and trying out my new anti-thigh chafe stick.
and the stick is nice! i'm glad i bought it.
2 weeks ago
but where be cute dress pics tho!!
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Oooh thank you for the link, I was picturing like, a wooden stick and trying desperately to figure out how that would work
a cursed bird.
2 weeks ago
i've observed the concept of thigh chafing sticks
a cursed bird.
2 weeks ago
i hadn't tried it before and it worked. i don't get much beyond "mild irritation when it's very hot out" though.
still, it is an easy thing to pick up and try to see if it works for you.
i don't watch a lot of film related youtube but it knows i'm obsessed with this specific thing
oh the dress is SO CUTE also bonus abigail
that's right!! i could not keep her away lol.
a cursed bird.
2 weeks ago
hooks this video ino my tabs
2 weeks ago
I just have a lot of skimmer shorts because in addition to alleviating chafing they also help handle sweat problems
2 weeks ago
But for cooler days this might also be nice
yeah i hesitate to fully endorse anything body specific because bodies are so specific, but definitely worth checking out if the concept intrigues
for me it has definitely done what it says it will
it's a baby!!
wife-coded 🦜
1 weeks ago
she does indeed like the sun.
anyway i planned to do some tagging yesterday, my day off, but i had a doctor's appointment that unexpectedly wiped me out. (routine stuff, nothing to be concerned with, but unpleasant for me and my anatomy.)
i bought myself ice cream and i think that was fair.
a cursed bird.
1 weeks ago
certified fair
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
went out to buy a chocolate croissant from the bakery across the street and locked myself out of my apartment
i got back in now it wasn't that dire but still, quite the omen.
red wolf
1 weeks ago
oh noooo!!!!!
i did, at least, get my croissant.
1 weeks ago
Oh no! But yay croissant and ice cream
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