getting spat on in the subway was like the last thing on the bingo card of stupid shit that happens taking the fucking 6 train at ass o'clock on my way to work
latest #25
its always on my way to the same shift
cause i have to take the train from the first stop to the second to last lol
4 months ago
holy fuck???
brb on my way to shove a subway pole up their ass
4 months ago
SERIOUSLY what the hell
he was mad cause no one was giving him money and by the time he got to me he decided he'd just spit instead of ask ig!!
i still can't fucking believe this happened u.u
people really be something else
the last time i got spat on was in like the 3rd grade people are wild lol
thankfully my glasses blocked most of least...
like for real like I expect that shit from CHILDREN
not full ass adults
there are a lot of unwell people roaming about on the streets and staying in the subways here so there's just many incidents of assaults happening in the trains
not to mention the people who are just straight up assholes
yeah u.u it's really unfortunate, like i understand there's a lot of bad situations for folks
it doesn't make it any less shitty
nope still shitty still hope that dude steps on ten legos
really really hope i dont get sick or anything
crossing all my fingers and toes!
thankfully friday is my night off
4 months ago
ughhhhh the 6 is where all the bullshit happens
4 months ago
i'm still just 'what the fuck!!!!' i'm sorry you experienced that :-(
speaksincolor: RIGHT the 6 is so fucking horrendous??? and i gotta take it at 10 or 11 at night depending on my shift. it wasnt nearly this bad when i was in hs taking it to and from school damn
bicepsbrigade: thank...hoping it never happens again lol
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