1 months ago
I see a lot of people moving to Cara art, and I've found a cool looking website called Unvale...
latest #8
1 months ago
I also have an Inkblot and Artfol account but I've realised something.
1 months ago
I'm scared to post my art.
1 months ago
My style doesn't work well with Glaze, the artifcats is causes that can me easily missed with a paintery seem to stick out like a sore thumb on my flat work
1 months ago
And NightShade doesn't exist in a form that I can use myself yet. (my computer can't handle it)
1 months ago
Yet it's not even like my stuff is good enough to be used for gen A I. Like it's not BAD but it's no where professional quality either.
1 months ago
I guess... just seeing how some people have been talking too/treating artsits while already being burnt out and stressed has just burnt me even more
1 months ago
And I don't know how to get over myself and just post.
1 months ago
And I'm gonna stop here before I ramble into a spiral sorry
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