latest #175
i was gonna find a gif of Red bc he's new but then i remembered its Pride and my daughter is a queer icon so we celebreate HER
3 weeks ago
also bringing this back because it's perfect (still pride relevant)alice :) (@jodesyen) on X
> Geralt
> Geralt again, did a little boomerangs...
> Aloy gayyyy
oh yeah where are ppl getting ... the emotes they use for tag tracking.... and/or how do you make plurk emotes
i'll continue to be lame for now
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
I think Noa was making them haha
discontinued begging your assistance if you please sir
ok i posted a little Catch-All for catching up with ppl post-event. I'm thinking i might do some short-form handwaved checkins and summarize them in there or have quick threads if anyone wants them
3 weeks ago
yes! just tell me what emoji u want for them, u can pick a specific design or I'll go through the designs myself 📙 Emojipedia — 😃 Home of Emoji Meanings 💁👌🎍😍
i wanted to tag.... I have so much work... I've barely moved from my desk since 10am and I haven't been to the gym in three weeks I think I'm going to maybe die. expire.
discontinued: OMG ok... thank you... I'll message u
work fried my brain. sat on the couch and ate snacks instead of dinner, and watched Damsel
it was enjoyable!! loved the costuming and set design
now... maybe belated cr meme responses.... aaaaa
tomorrow i am determined to tag the solvunn mingle AT LEAST and also do the starter for viktor because hoo boy
3 weeks ago
here u go...lmk if those work
discontinued: YOU'RE THE BEST thank youuu
3 weeks ago
tls for tomorrow for Ciri...
- Clive
- Claude
- Hilda
- Viktor
and tag the Solvunn mingle with Red
Clive starter

florescentia lmk if that works for you!
Viktor past au
Claude past au
Geralt starter
Yennefer starter
Jaskier starter
Viktor starter
oh shit i have to run in half an hour... can i get any red tags in
feeble scholar
3 weeks ago
perfect!! thank you!
3 weeks ago
and here is a top level for Red at the solvunn mingle...!! it's not very good lmao i ran out of steam
and i gotta. run away. going to BREW AT THE ZOO!!!
ready to drink beer and look at bears
they have... rly cute sunbears...
3 weeks ago
turns out the zoo was not the bear zoo
ugh i want to do the scar meme but I'm so tired.... being at work in person for 9 hours and zero breaks because a work lunch is not a break
my coworkers are exhausting and I'm sick of them

I can't wait for anime expo to be over. my whole month is going to be in the hellpit trying to rescue the dumbass marketing manager from making clowns of us all
if I never have to work with another middle aged white man again.... it'll be too soon ......
I've been stressed out about anime expo since February
Daniel we can't keep doing this
I hope they fire this guy after convention season and try again, return the whole man to the store and buy a better model
someday I'll have time to go to the gym again
2 weeks ago
the gym will wait for you, friend
they won't wait on taking my money 😔
I MUST go tomorrow I've already wasted three weeks worth of gym dollars and also my body probably forgot how to lift again, that dumb bitch
every time I don't do it regularly it goes WHAT'S THIS WE'VE NEVER SQUATTED BEFORE
2 weeks ago
ok true but still
anyway........ tomorrow. I hope. I have to train a new person (in person, again) all day tomorrow so if I'm too fried again

who knows
just came home took an edible and a shower and stared at the ceiling

I can't imagine having to work irl with people every day anymore. exhausting and horrible!!!
I DID go for a walk after work actually and called my mom so... I made my step goal. which is better than nothing I suppose
inbox is so full again and I want to tag but my brain is horrendous tv static
I'm not built for having a job
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
i feel you friend, jobs are a plague
today I was training a new hire all day

tomorrow I have meetings again but on zoom at least lol

Thursday I have a full day of building shit with my coworkers offsite

I'm gonna DIE
I don't want to talk to people anymore!!!
will try to read the event info tonight when I get home if my brain still works
ok. evented. skipping the ooc plotting (might tag some ppl later but no tl)

also: dropping TDM threads. thanks for tagging Red so last minute, guys
i might have made a Mistake with the mingle lmao but i wanted to do at least a little intro before event. might keep these brief
Geralt realtalk
Geralt au
Clive a funny joke
Aloy oops
Viktor au
Claude catalyst
Hilda bday date
Jaskier family...
Wanda mingle
Zagreus mingle
Tifa sad mingle
bed........ i stayed up too late but my inbox is almost! clear! aaaah
Viktor au
Viktor follow up, oof
Cid lol
I want to tag... but I also want to simply zone out on the couch after the craziness of today two wolves inside of me (one of them is very tired)
shockingly am actually HERE and on my computer when event drops FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE AFGLFH
i have a few hours before dnd let's goooo cute cafe vibes for tags
AHHHH ok i read the event did a lil plotting

and wrote half my week 1 tl for ciri
and suddenly the time is gone aklfg
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
time is going SO fast
dnd is done i will try to finish up my week 1 tl when I get home and then perhaps for the first time ever I'll actually play in an event the day it drops wouldn't that be incredible!!!
hhhhhh i think probably I'm just burnt out from work but

man am I feeling Bad at RP
I'm not even behind

just feel like my writing sucks
blanket apology for shit writing i guess, I'm just living by the "writing anything is better than not tagging at all" creed

didn't get to the inbox today with family stuff but tomorrow I'm gonna. do my best
anyway not looking for buttpats or anything just a general... PSA. the brain is not cooperating but we persevere
2 weeks ago
well. attempting tomorrow. now try to sleep the general existential anxiety away
2 weeks ago
i sort of just melted today mentally and physically
if I can make it through the final hour of my

three hours of meetings
all meetings can be emails. I never want to talk to anyone again.
OK OK OK i have tomorrow off and while i have it planned for family i AM going to try to relax tonight and tag and go in the pool again aaaaaaa
I ended up going in the pool again and then watching a bunch of Shogun with my mom

it's so good
bed tags until i get too snoozy
oof i am slacking on Red but Ciri has so much going on lmao

besides some au/previous event tags on the backburner, i'm all caught up to current event tags for ciri
lets see if i can catch red up too ... averts my eyes from the clock
when you make yourself tear up with your own damn tag
and with that i must sleep... weh
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
demonology: he promises he doesn't freeze up and cry in front of every woman sorry tifa
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
thanks for your patience everyone im sorry work has destroyed me and I'm so late on

i'll do my best to get to tagouts tomorrow ;;;;
somehow the event has been up for a week
ok i have so many chores and home things I want to do and also go to the gym AND IT'S ALREADY ALMOST 4 BECAUSE i slept until noon and was mad about nonsense until now hffff
I hope

I have time to tag tonight god i can't believe time is always out to get me
hhgrrrghh I am nowhere near done cleaning but it's almost 11 so I guess

I'll shower and see what I can do
I washed the balcony X-( and the windows X-( X-( we're having company over tomorrow and I don't think they'll even see the balcony really BUT IT'S CLEAN
also i guess if they do want to see it now the windows are clean so they can look at it lmao
planet my sprouting garlic... we'll see if it survives

finally hung up the plants I got hanging pots for but have been sitting around on surfaces

and put up the nice Witcher clock i bought
except i bought it super on sale don't worry
ok shower... and I will clean the shower glass while I'm in there. life hack
sorry this plurk became about cleaning. this is my belated spring clean since I've been so busy hhhhhhh
discontinued thank you for suggesting an electric scrubber to me, you've changed my life. I also bought my mom one lol
1 weeks ago
LOL you're welcome!!
1 weeks ago
I'll put up the thread for geralt and ciri today btw i just wanted to get a few rolling for the bunker first
lord i haven't had ANY time to tag the event since I put up my starter a week ago

i fell asleep so hard last night immediately after I posted and slept until an hour ago?!!!
hate working hard and being tired smh
one week later i'm finally actually tagging the event. don't perceive the time stamps
got thru a decent chunk
break for board games and drinks
1 weeks ago
guac is so good hehehe

easy guac hack: just mash avocado with fresh store-bought pico, some lemon or lime juice and salt 👌
drink is vodka, cherry liqueur and sour cherry juice topped with rosé waterloo, which is incidentally very good
Waterloo has this like... summer drinks series including rosé and mojito and they're really tasty and refreshing
1 weeks ago
man I LOVE rose
I'm not a big wine connoisseur but to me it does taste a little rosé-like, enough that I'm like I can enjoy it with dinner but it's 0 calorie no alcohol sparkling water so it's great??
quick tipsy tag siesta while the buds watch a dropout thing i've seen before......
we played sentinels of the multiverse and it took so long but we did finally win. now we are taking a break before next gam
maybe i can finally do

some tagouts!!!
tomorrow i gotta


and do AC
we were dnd until late and then i wanted to play Banishers ... it's so hard picking up a new character I'm constantly second guessing myself
time to use my new Red icons.... yaaay (ty discontinued & theskyisnew )
Travis tag in
Wanda or more like Wanda's cat
Zagreus tag in
Arthur tag in
Julia tag in
Aloy tag in
blueflowers do you mind handwaving the rest of our mingle thread? maybe we can assume they parted ways shortly after

i figured this was funnier lol
Blue Emus
3 days ago
sure thing!
Blue Emus
3 days ago
also the hilarious thing is the answer to "what's the deal with the feet and eyes" is really just that he inherited them, haha
thanks! hahaha yeah it's. just so funny imagining Zag running around in the bunker doing his Zag things while Red is squinting at him from afar like wtf is he tho
Blue Emus
3 days ago
don't mind Zag, he's just a perfectly normal god, yup yup
3 days ago
Sorry Red
lmao ok next time he definitely needs to bleed more profusely so the blood can slither, that would be so funny
phew ok ... i did a bunch of tag ins. maybe too many?? don't look at me
wait i wanted to tag ed too
court 🐸
3 days ago
sorry for the boomerang lol
demonology: omg don't be sorry! i'm here for it 👀
court 🐸
3 days ago
court 🐸
3 days ago
me laughing when i got your tag and realized oh yeah, cait sith has a scottish accent
oh my god... i haven't met the robot cat yet... i really gotta finish remake lmao
court 🐸
3 days ago
he shows up in rebirth LOL
court 🐸
3 days ago
FF7 Rebirth: Meeting Cait Sith | All Scenes Until He...if you watch a little bit here you can hear him, no real spoilers or anything
that's so funny lmao
but he says cait sith wrong 😭
court 🐸
3 days ago
YEAH HE DOES that was a whole thing
court 🐸
3 days ago
everyone was wondering what they were going to do bc the game came out so long ago and wasn't voiced so most fans said it wrong lol and i guess they decided to just go with it
i guess in final fantasy world they don't have real gaelic anyway klfgfd
court 🐸
3 days ago
court 🐸
3 days ago
i saw "lassie" and was like WAIT
Geralt the piggyback icons!!
Istredd network
disarmingly this is so cute actually
a very ciri-and-geralt way of describing 😭
ancient tags from last event....
Claude again
ok those were my forest tags... i gotta go grocery shopping then i will. return. determined to catch up!! X-(
man I can't believe the month is over

I wanted to do actual Fire Rescue threads with Ciri and never got to it
I feel like I barely started tagged in the event and it's over
how does this keep happening to me
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