3 weeks ago
Just finished two full days of training delivery. My brain has clocked off
latest #16
Polly Paperclip
3 weeks ago
You mean two days filled with wall-to-wall training??
3 weeks ago
Yep. A new course too. I am bezonked.
3 weeks ago
Hope you got some rest
3 weeks ago
Thanks obsolete. Yeah I napped from about 3 seconds after my reply to Polly and did not stray from the settee all evening.
Polly Paperclip
3 weeks ago
She just woke up!
3 weeks ago
Lol pretty much
3 weeks ago
How did it go?
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
ReverieMagic: The training was well received, but whether we’ll be able to market it now is moot because the government have just stopped all our public funding. So my feelings are mixed.
Polly Paperclip
3 weeks ago
How dependant were you on that funding?
3 weeks ago
It was 20% of our income, but the org has been careful to create a war-chest so it's not terminal in the short term. But if these clowns get more that one term it might mean cutting back on services and/or staff.
3 weeks ago
The silver lining is that, now we are not dependent on government for any of our funding, we get to be more outspoken about issues.
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
They are laying off thousands of workers in the public services and slashing any services (including ours) they regard as 'woke'.
Polly Paperclip
3 weeks ago
Good Lord.
3 weeks ago
Yeah it's pretty brutal :-(
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
Anyway, I'm off for a Guinness before they decide it's a woke drink and ban it!
Polly Paperclip
3 weeks ago
Yes, it's a bit dark.
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