HE'S IN!!! wow acceptance rolled out so fast, the mods are incredible
latest #59
4 weeks ago
hehe who is your new one....
4 weeks ago
i didn't know you were apping
my baby boy*


*a 30+ year old Man
Red mac Raith from Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
I was waffling and only got home on Monday so I did. speedrun it in an unhinged way
shout-out to everyone who tagged me in my last minute app panic last night thank you
it took me so long to find a gif why does no one play this game I'm so sad
this is my mission to single handedly expand how many people play Banishers LMAO
Red will be coming to Solvunn!!
I gotta. do all the stuff and set up his journal and I guess

commission icons??
Oooh I have been looking at possibly getting Banishers 👀👀
4 weeks ago
ohhh he looks fun.....geralt should meet him they both look like sad grizzled dudes
court 🐸
4 weeks ago
i know nothing about this man but i wish to change this via threading with him
court 🐸
4 weeks ago
BUT YEAH the emails went out so quick??? i was shocked
welcome to solvunnnnnn
SO FAST... amazing. now i feel silly for feeling anxious lmaooo
indech: lmk.... if u do........... hehehe
discontinued: he is a sad grizzled dude i think he and geralt would get along!! he's a ghost-hunter who, witcher-like, runs around to all the npcs trying to solve their ghost problems and figure out what kind of ghost it is so he can banish it
the game takes place in colonial new england and i'm so afraid i'm terrible at history. anyone who is better at american (and european lol) history, this is my preemptive apology lmao
augh i have SO MUCH WORK TO DO rattles cage
3 weeks ago
ohhh that sounds fun!!
i want to do the cr meme.............. i will return. when i can make a dent in this work. rip
3 weeks ago
I watched a video for our thread and all I got is he's sad and scottish adn that's all I need
me trying to figure out how to make his scottish accent clear without being annoying
i always wonder about... accents. when it comes to magical jamjar autotranslation lmao
bonus you get to see Red cry
oh also for anyone who played Vampyr, Banishers is in the same universe! (i haven't played vampyr...)
3 weeks ago
I found that out lasst night and I was like... wild
3 weeks ago
(I did play vampyr)
court 🐸
3 weeks ago
oh wow i didn't know that either
wow the graphics are phenomenal, so crisp! excited to see him in game
the game is beautiful!! yess i am enjoying him and Merrin already weh
3 weeks ago
I usually do speech patterns and cadence as opposed to accent (me who plays people with accents constantly)
NEW SON congrats hehehe
I also lean more on speech patterns/cadence yeah
court 🐸
3 weeks ago
agreeing with noa and sarah, i find typed out accents distracting...
as someone trying to play a character with a central european-ish accent, it's best to just aim at some grammatical mannerisms and meta-text the expected accent-sound
that being said..solvunn friend
yeah, I also don't rly like typed accents so I don't wanna do it too often because it looks weird and distracting.. i'm using the game subtitles as a guide, where sometimes he'll say like "cannae" or "didnae" but they never use "me" for "my" even though that's how he pronounces it half the time
weirdly the accent is helpful in my head though hahaha. i can't actually do a scottish accent aloud but i can definitely hear his voice when i am thinking...
i will play around with it... there are certain turns of phrase and speech patterns where I think it'll come through and it doesn't have to look crazy. the occasional dropped consonant will suffice haha
this trailer is full of spoilers...... why do they do that with trailers lmao

but if anyone doesn't mind some vague spoilering...!

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden - Official 'Love, Deat...
court 🐸
3 weeks ago
yeah that sounds like a good balance!!
court 🐸
3 weeks ago
and being able to hear a character is always nice with voice for writing them hehe
yeah cid also does me/my it just doesn't look right in writing so I skip it too
TheMightySra: i need red and cid to bond over being sad disillusioned former soldiers... smoke a cigar together and cover their emotions with bad jokes...
belleteyn: PLEASE this sounds amazing
im here to join the sad old men gang (he's like 35 but in the 1600s that's middle aged ok)
tbh it doesn't say how old he is just... looking at him and antea, i'd guess like mid 30s
he has little silver strands mixed in with his hair... its cute
old man is a state of mind
and a state of knees
omg silver hair cute...
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