1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
One Ring Challenge Realistically, Nox is the only one of mine who'd be able to deal with it, but even then you'd have to convince him to actually make the trek to toss it into Mt. Doom somehow.
latest #10
1 months ago
Like he's already very familiar with Sith artifacts which also tend to warp the minds of anyone not immensely careful with them and resistant to their influence, dealing with the ghosts trying to control him, and then had freaking Vitiate living in his head for who knows how long because SWTOR devs are terrible with the passage of time
1 months ago
also trying the whole "subtly corrupt him and guide him to his own destruction" thing
1 months ago
But the main challenge would be convincing him to go out of his way and make a special trek to this one specific place to get rid of it when every instinct would be telling him to just throw it in a vault somewhere.
1 months ago
Looma could probably hold out in the short term, especially because she'd have no interest in the make-the-wearer-invisible thing, but it'd eventually wear her down mentally
1 months ago
(also good luck, Ring Wraiths)
1 months ago
(Hope Sauron has an HR Department they can turn to)
1 months ago
yeah I can see Nox going "nah"
1 months ago
literally the only reason he'd refuse to part with it is not trusting anyone else to not do anything stupid with it
1 months ago
(which does also mean he has a bit of a blind spot for remembering that the Force absolutely loves to randomly fuck him over every so often, meaning him keeping it is ALSO a potential liability)
1 months ago
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