Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago @Edit 4 weeks ago
My characters' genders and sexualities.
latest #10
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
My general assessment is that unless an author who has good queer rep goes 'but X is straight', I tend to assume any character could be bisexual. (Or it's one of my characters.)
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
For OCs:
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
Ilphyl is pansexual and genderqueer (and somewhere fluid). They really don't do binary gender.
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
Bel is gay. No interest in women beyond aesthetic -- he can identify an attractive woman, but no interest in pursuing that.
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
Most of my other tabletop characters are in the 'has not come up'. That and I have Shakudo who doesn't really get gender or sexuality, because he's a goron, and one of my Saturday-tabletop characters is a robot (Artemis) who is also in the ??? category.
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
For canon characters:
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
Penric is a heterosexual cis-man sharing his body with a pansexual feminine spirit (Desdemona). He's also very monogamous and married.
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
Simon is bisexual, as are most fae in his canon, but again, in the 'happily married, no interest in adding partners at this time'. He does have a husband and a wife.
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
I'm trying out Aerich, who I tend to see as both demisexual and generally not attracted to people outside his species, which makes it hard to do romance/sex stuff.
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
(Also, I am playing a lot of male or AMAB nonbinary characters here; I should get more female characters.)
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