King of Games
1 months ago
Character Sexualities
latest #11
King of Games
1 months ago
pats Pratt's head. This boy can fit so much bisexuality in there.
King of Games
1 months ago
Same with Kabal. The answer is: yes.
King of Games
1 months ago
Both of them look at anyone and go:
King of Games
1 months ago
Are you Hanzo? Otherwise he's not interested. And even then its gonna be the longest most proper courtship in the history of meaningful glances.
King of Games
1 months ago
Yufei is Ace.
King of Games
1 months ago
Maximilien is pansexual but only for other fancy assholes. He does not slum it. (nottalking)
King of Games
1 months ago
Genji is Bi.
Angelo is Gay.
Variks is..... uh.... I genuinely never thought of Variks in a sexual situation pls hold.
King of Games
1 months ago
Diablo is straight, but intentionally celibate because of not wanting anyone to come to harm cuz of him.
King of Games
1 months ago
Blas cap is gay.
the alcohol demons clothes are part of his body so I guess he's ace?
King of Games
1 months ago
Variks is..... straight I think? I'm not even really sure how genders work for Eliksni. But I'm leaning straight.
King of Games
1 months ago
Imbros is disgusted with all of you.
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