1 months ago
[Naval History]The Last Battleship Designs - The Good, the Bad and ...Today in "what happens when the design boys have too much time on their hands" we get the three flavors of insanity
latest #6
1 months ago
America: Mostly okay until the 50s roll around, at which point the Nuclear Madness sets in
1 months ago
like, to the extent that even comic book supervillains would be shouting "For the love of god, restrain yourself"
1 months ago
British: Ask entirely too many "what ifs" until several years and even more design proposals later they've completely lost the plot and also realized they're out of money, the naval equivalent of spending too much time in Character Creation and then just logging off for the night
1 months ago
Soviets: You don't even want to do it in the first place because it's a bad idea that you have absolutely no possible way of pulling off even if everything goes right but Stalin's going to put you in a gulag if you don't start drawing
1 months ago
and somehow between points A and B you've gone from an insane 75k ton super battleship to a small squadron of heavily armed gunboats
1 months ago
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