4 months ago
kay! i'm going to ask for help again as i still don't understand it. can someone tell me how to use a clique?? i can't find out how to use one but i want to so i don't keep spamming the users who were here before us quotev users :-(
latest #35
4 months ago
okay so go to your name, click it, its in my friends click that and the 4th one itll say clique, hope this helps <3
4 months ago
okay! i made one but how do i use it? (idk if that sounds weird but i'm still new to this)
4 months ago
use it as in adding people to it?
4 months ago
or use it as in posting with it?
4 months ago
posting with it, i added my friend already
4 months ago
4 months ago
oh alright! basically, when you go to make the post, click "privacy options"
4 months ago
click "custom", then click the clique you created
4 months ago
once you have selected the clique, its all ready to go and be posted!
4 months ago
:00 Thank you so much!! i was having trouble with it so you where a big help ^^
4 months ago
of course! if theres anything else you need help with you are free to message me once more !
4 months ago
i tried helping but im not good at helping 😭😭
4 months ago
thats okay, you still gave them a good start and thats great!
4 months ago
you aren't bad, you just gotta believe in yourself more
4 months ago
okay!! and thank ygs for helping me i don't want to be a burden to the og plurkers
4 months ago
soggyu: ty
4 months ago
LOCALPHONEGUY: youre welcome and honestly who tf cares if we're giving the og plurkers, they can just go plurk off
4 months ago
trust you are NOT a burden at all! I really do enjoy helping out others!
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
whether an original plurkie or not-- no one should make you feel like youre a burden just for asking for help
4 months ago
okay, thank you sm though! ik some plurkers were having troubles with us quotevians but i had no where else to go at first and seeing the backlash and stuff made me question if i should ask for help and stuff understanding the website. also is it okay if i friend/follow/whatever it is on here you?
4 months ago
its friending on here! following only makes it so you can see their posts but it isn't mutual friendship lol. go ahead and friend me, I dont mind at all!
4 months ago
and really-- most of us plurkies have issues with the LOUDER crowd.. if youre not doing anything wrong, then no one should have trouble with you
4 months ago
so dont fret! just have fun and be yourself! no one should shame you for that!
4 months ago
okay! i'm really quiet an don't interact that much online so i might not be a problem and you're honestly the kindest person ever lol
4 months ago
im kind when people are deserving of it, you havent been mean to me, so I won't be mean to you! and even if you were being rude, id probably try to find an understanding anyway lol
4 months ago
and even if you were more interactive, so long you aren't harassing anyone or being a bitch then there won't be any problems
4 months ago
same! and i'm only really rude to someone if we disagree on something that's obviously wrong and that's not very often
4 months ago
yeah youre lucky for that! I mean, im normally not getting into fights either so..
4 months ago
im kind too the ppl who are kind too me, but i will be mean if someone is mean to me also
4 months ago
the Golden Rule prevails
4 months ago
also if you need help with ANYTHING at all, feel free to ask me! my door is always open!
4 months ago
^ mine is always open too, just if you can send me a priv and we can talk in priv if you wish <3
4 months ago
ygs are the sweetest people ever ^^ i've got to go to bed though so i'm logging off for the day so bye, ily both/p, and goodnight and understood!!
4 months ago
yes yes any form of communication is all good with me <33
4 months ago
comes with territory <3 ^^, night night ily too/p ill try to have a good night <33
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