1 months ago
[Theater, Home Stretch] We are officially in Tech Week, and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert opens this Friday at Forge Theater in Phoenixville.
latest #6
1 months ago
oh i'd really like to make it to this one... if anyone else local is going please let me know when
1 months ago
Good seats are available for all shows. Ticketing information is here:Individual Show Tickets
1 months ago
I'm also including a separate link for parking information. The theater is smack in the middle of a residential area; they have an arrangement for parking at a local church around the corner:Directions and Parking
1 months ago
Incidentally, the same town of Phoenixville is also hosting the Chester County Pride Festival on Saturday the 8th. Forge Theater will have a booth at the festival. You can spend the day at the festival, grab some dinner at one of the many eateries, and then take in the show at 8:00 that evening!Chester County Pride Festival (June 8th, 2024) | Pho...
1 months ago
...and WanderLARP is that weekend, isn't it?
Well, there are two more full weekends (Fridays & Saturdays @ 8:00, Sundays @ 2:00) after that.
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