4 months ago
muselist sexualities - not using the chart because i feel like rambling a bit
latest #25
4 months ago
So, off the bat I myself am a mix of asexual/aromantic - years ago I decided that I didn't really need labels, so basically i dont wanna date/marry/have sex/etc. Despite that, I really love reading stuff like romance manga and consider myself a huge shipper.
4 months ago
When it comes to characters I play, nine times out of ten I tend to play them as "They are just [significant other] sexual." for example , "Mickey mouse is just Minnie sexual." in that they just show no romantic desire for anyone ever before and their SO flipped just a switch they didnt know existed, and is oblivious to anyone hitting on them.
4 months ago
Do I use that for laughs? Absolutely. But it's also something I really like playing with my characters because I find it cute and romantic.
4 months ago
4 months ago
Naturally, this kind of mindset does make it difficult to have ships in games, and I already play "obscure" canons, so it's twice as hard. So whenever I do have a chance to play out a ship - be it canon, crosscanon, or something just clicked - I'm always 100% grateful. this is my 99% of my musebox memes have romance jammed in there somewhere, lol.
4 months ago
All right, with that out of the way, let's get into my actual characters - the ones in games, at least.
4 months ago
Webby Vanderquack - It was never confirmed in the show, and sort of given a wavey answer in the art book (Basically one of the people working on the show did think of her as a baby gay) BUT fandom majority consensus is that Webby is a lesbian and Lena is her first and only crush.
4 months ago
Webby herself is pretty dense on romantic itself, making it obvious Beakly never taught her anything about it (big shock), and her first foray into anything about it was Scrooge and Goldie's relationship which is................. not healthy. to say the least. But in later episodes, with Huey's help, she does come to see it as something nice and sweet.
4 months ago
All that said, I did once play "baby gay" for laughs in a former game she was in - the Sanderson Sisters (from hocus pocus) were attacking, Webby went to confront Sarah (the blonde one played by Sarah jessica parker) and Sarah went flirty, making Webby.... pause and be extremely confused by the funny feelings in her stomach. =P
4 months ago
So yeah, I like to joke that she has a thing for bad girls. she really does take after Scrooge.
4 months ago
Violet Sabrewing - Her sexuality was never confirmed anywhere, but her most popular ship is with Huey, and I tend to agree with it, they make a cute couple since they have a lot of things in common. I see Violet as wanting a happy romance just like her fathers, but that it'll take a few extra nudges for her to realize she has feelings for Huey.
4 months ago
So for the moment, I see her as straight, possibly bi? But she's also a kid, so there's no rush for her to find/discover anything just yet.
she is truly only a baby
4 months ago
a brilliant baby, but only a baby
4 months ago
Morgana Macawber - This one is the most flexible to play with, considering she's a fan-designed remake. So she can be anything I want her to be - and while I see her as Pansexual, she's never shown any romantic/sexual interest in anything or anyone until she meets Drake/Darkwing. Which means she'd fall for him in any form he took.
4 months ago
I did toy with the idea she she had an old boyfriend in her former band and they went through a bad breakup when he found out she was a real monster and not just putting on an act, but ultimately I dropped it because her One Type being Small Polite Dork was too funny/cute for me to let go.
4 months ago
Black Raisin Cookie - She's never shown any romantic interest in anyone, nor has the game teased it in events/promotions (and devsisters knows damn well what we like!) nor have I ever seen her really pop up in a lot of shippy artwork. Ultimately I wound up seeing her as somewhat like myself - not interested in romance/sex.
4 months ago
Now, I've never played an ace character before - not that every character I've ever played as been in a relationship, but there always could have been potential. But I really don't see that happening for BRC, and surprisingly to myself, I don't mind?
4 months ago
Now, if someone came by and said "hey, i'd like to play out BRC x [character]", I'd give it some thought! I wouldn't mind being open to new ideas for fun! It's just not something I'm going to actively pursue with her, and I'm okay with that. Which... idk how to put it into words, but it makes me weirdly proud for some reason???
4 months ago
And that's all my characters in games! If anyone wants any of my thoughts regarding other muses, let me know.
4 months ago
This makes so much sense!
4 months ago
aw, glad to hear it :3
4 months ago
So what are your thoughts on Maribelle?
4 months ago
Well, given the Medieval Structure of the setting, my first thoughts initially were straight - but that was years ago and let's face it, if Ylisse can have magic talking giant bunny people, they can have gays. So nowdays I see her as slightly bi, leaning towards men, but she has some attraction towards women (lissa and olivia in particular)
4 months ago
Excellent, excellent, ufufufu
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