1 months ago
latest #273
1 months ago
Gonna do the same way as last month and just do tags here that mention other characters since I found that was a good way for my mental health last month.
Tony Stank
1 months ago
quietly steals that art
jellefish ✿
1 months ago
i just want to say i think your connor is so cute... such a precious bean....
4 weeks ago
queeningsquare: Awwww, thank ye kindly! I LOVE playing him, he's been so MUCH FUN!
4 weeks ago
Rey arwingyoshi Mention of Imperius
3 weeks ago
Makie SkylaDoragono Mention of Luke
Damn right Luke isn't letting Maul dress him again.
btw do you want me to let you not when I tag back given whatever the fuck is happening with me and notifs
3 weeks ago
Savage speaksincolor Mention of Merrin
3 weeks ago
SkylaDoragono: Awwww, what if he promises not to dress him up in anything see through next time???
3 weeks ago
You know he'll take that as a yes.
3 weeks ago
There is no such thing as giving an inch with Maul. He'll take a mile instead.
3 weeks ago
Altair epigrammatic Mention of Tony
3 weeks ago
komikbookgeek: They seem to be coming in again on my end, so I think I'm okay!
ok cool!
omg aw Savage, I gotta have Merrin meet him
she doesn't require you to serve unless you act out of line and then she will kick your ass and keep you on a leash
3 weeks ago
Good thing cause he's pumped full of Nightsister magic steroids meant to make him serve and be completely loyal.
3 weeks ago
Savage speaksincolor Mention of Merrin
bring me Savage...!
... I'm going to end up voicetesting Morgan Elsbeth there aren't I?
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
apomorphine That's another bit of peer pressure for you to bring Savage to
tbh the 2 things stopping me:
no icons
I do not want to do an app on my phone
and my laptop is...on lifesupport more then Vader is
3 weeks ago
Dang, that's the WORST. I don't know of anyone who has done a set for her yet and Timmy isn't taking commissions at the moment.
I have like...5? from random sets but
3 weeks ago
im just a rando passerby but if u have a need for icons and src material, u can send me a pp
I have a mighty need, I'll have to get the screencaps!
3 weeks ago
Will also give a shout-out to Nico, they did the icons for my Connor journal!
3 weeks ago
i simply like to make little square images
3 weeks ago
I also foresee a Merrin/Morgan "we can't fight it would make Maul sad" agreement
3 weeks ago
Don't disappoint your big brother!
still trying to figure out if she's her clan mother's bio daughter or bio niece, it's very much one of those
3 weeks ago
From what I read on TVTropes, which is not the most reliable source, they say bio daughter.
yeah but also not reliable. though with the similar marking is logical to assume that
3 weeks ago
What does Wookieepedia say?
it doesn't
probably because Ahsoka season 2
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I don't know. I feel bad for Cal having to put up with this sort of future interrogation!!!
3 weeks ago
Savage just standing there looming over him, not saying a word but clear disapproval on his face.
lol. cal was smart enough to haul ass from Vader, he'd be fine
3 weeks ago
look, cal is clearly just a side-squeeze but he still disapproves of him unless he goes dark side then... maybe he'd be okay as a fling
lmao rip Cal
Savage try that idea out loud to your sister
they will... get the bandages
3 weeks ago
Poor Cal just being bullied from first to last by every Nightkin he meets.
3 weeks ago
He would never say it to Merrin unless she asked for his opinion. He knows his place
3 weeks ago
He can just bully Cal unobtrusively like Maul does.
3 weeks ago
This is very likely to happen
3 weeks ago
Poor Cal, he doesn't deserve brotherly bullying efforts
3 weeks ago
They just have to make sure he's worthy of such a badass Nightsister! Besides, she's younger than they are, so they have to watch out for her.
3 weeks ago
This is true. It's their job to make certain she is safe and happy, even if means she beats them up for it
3 weeks ago
She is the future of the Nightkin
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Me, let me just gather all the Nightkin into the game up like
3 weeks ago
This game does need a Morgan too
3 weeks ago
My RP talent is gathering casts together, so the Nightkin can all be sad and angry and stabby together.
3 weeks ago
Sad but angry stabby family
3 weeks ago
Don't pretend like the lot of them aren't friend-shaped, Luke.
3 weeks ago
You just have to get them to stop stabbing for a few minutes.
3 weeks ago
Maybe Luke wants Savage to stab him again.......................
3 weeks ago
A good date idea!
3 weeks ago
SkylaDoragono: Oh, BTW, there is a prompt for Maul being a grumpy but cuddly spiky cat on his event TL.
3 weeks ago
If you're interested in having Luke put up with him.
3 weeks ago
I loved that thread where he told Ritsuka that Maul was just a grumpy, spiky cat once you got to know him. (LOL) Best description EVER!
He wasn't wrong. xD
3 weeks ago
YUP. Hence why I once turned Maul into a cat for an event hehe. He just ascended into his final form!
3 weeks ago
YUP. Hence why I once turned Maul into a cat for an event hehe. He just ascended into his final form!
Morgan looking for an excuse to stab
(I can imagine Short Morgan standing between Tall Maul and Savage glaring while just being quietly so comforted on the inside to have family around again) apomorphine:
3 weeks ago
Ooo, she's 5'4", yeah she's TEENY! And every inch of her full of rage.
Gasp a bitty.
so especially flanked by those two, she's tiny
also having human lineage and her mother (probably and I'll probably go with) bring a Clan Mother says a lot about how powerful a witch she is/ can be
3 weeks ago
Considering Savage is 7'2", she is gonna look like a CHILD next to him!
3 weeks ago
And Maul's 6'3"!
3 weeks ago
Luke can have some company in his height range!
yeah she will.

where is that character height thing again lol
(she's younger than too, only a few years older than Merrin)
though timeliness!
Yay for being under 6 foot lol yeah
3 weeks ago
Savage dyads speaksincolor Mentions of Cal and Merrin
3 weeks ago
Sorry Cal, this is what happens when you meet the family!
3 weeks ago
komikbookgeek: Savage is huge but I expect he would be rather protective of Morgan given her status as clan mother's daughter.
3 weeks ago
just point him at who you want rekted if you earn his loyalty
She'd be likewise extremely protective of them.
too few of them survived.
3 weeks ago
Excellent username!
3 weeks ago
nightkin unite
honestly? she will 10000% try to
if she has to toss the brothers on their asses, so be it
3 weeks ago
it is as they deserve honestly. they can be very dumb
she can be extremely shortsighted but she's also ambitious to a frightening level and has been alone for... shit a good 30 years
she wants her kin back
and will latch on with a fury to any she did get her hands on
3 weeks ago
literally clinging around their middle as they drag her around in the attempt to do something dumb. don't worry, they got this, sister!!!!
or hanging off their shoulders
3 weeks ago
Yep, Savage can carry her around like a backpack no problem. For he is tol and she is smol.
and has ranged weapons (once she gets them)
3 weeks ago
she can sit on his shoulder! no backpack required unless she's into that
3 weeks ago
All we need now is to get a Ventress and Talzin and that's pretty much the whole set right there!
3 weeks ago
Gosh, I would love those two!!! Savage would hate one and be extremely respectful to the other
Morgan would extremely respectful to Talzin
Ventress is still one of them so. they don't have to like each other but they cannot fight one another.
3 weeks ago
I feel like everyone is respectful toward Talzin
They Know
3 weeks ago
But also daughter of a Clan Mother so there's probably all kinds of expectations
apomorphine: Ahsoka /Tales of the Empire are either spoilers for you?
3 weeks ago
He's the lesser son of Talzin so... really, he doesn't have to live up to high standards as long as Maul lives. He's second-rate son material to her
3 weeks ago
Nope, I've watched both!
but yeah she's Clan Mother Daugther and hears the Great Mothers from their ancestral home so. She's not a low ranking Witch even if they had their people restored.
3 weeks ago
nope, she is not. still kinda feel ahsoka did her dirty, and i wanted to see what more they would do with her on the long run
I hope she's...lingering due to magic and shit
so yeah Talzin showing up with her wrangling the boys would be O.O!!!
3 weeks ago
yes me as well. she was such a loyal sister
She was
3 weeks ago
Maul would be elated if his mother showed up. Yes, let them just end up with all the Nightkin there and start to rebuild.
3 weeks ago
One of the funniest moments ever for a Maul-centerd story for me is when Maul reveals to Dooku he's Talzin's son and Dooku just looks STUNNED. Probably half because they look nothing alike and half he can't believe Talzin HAS kids.
3 weeks ago
Just contemplating things as he realizes Talzin fucks.
I assumed Maul had a different father than Savage and Feral but otherwise
Dooku what part of Clan based Units did you ignore???
3 weeks ago
I've always wondered about that, if she had different mates or not.
there is just a lot more visual differences between Maul and the younger two
3 weeks ago
TeaMergency I found another song for when I (eventually) update Maul's chart for Louis's entry!Bad Suns - Transpose [Official Video]
3 weeks ago
The lyrics fit the tumultuous thing they have going on so well.
Hot Goth Summer
3 weeks ago
Lmfff you mean Rorschach right
Light_shade: apomorphine: speaksincolor
it dawns on me, that Morgan is going to be really jealous while being comforted that they still have their tattoos and markings (likely because Mother Talzin's magic was stronger than Mother Selena's) and might want to rip their skin off sometimes.
komikbookgeek: DO IT but also biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch Merrin may eat u
also omfg if we got Talzin the entire trajectory of Merrin's life here might change
honestly when she finds out she left Merrin behind it's going crush a part of her soul she didn't know she still had
apomorphine: pls bring us Savage, ruin Cal's life lmao. "Here are your in-laws, good luck Kestis"
I can see poor Cal begging Luke for advice on how to deal with Maul.
komikbookgeek: the other thing is.... Merrin's apparently stupid powerful by Nightsister standards, because the ressurection shit she doesn't isn't something just any Nightsister can do. I feel like she and Morgan would face each other down and like wreck everything around them lmfao
not that I'm interested in power-gaming but
And it's basically going to be, "Fight him or troll him back."
speaksincolor: I think they'd recognize that and be like "well just kick rocks at each other"
komikbookgeek: lmao it depends on how hard Morgan is leaning into her alliance with the Empire; at this point Merrin will EAT anyone who threatens her Cal.
just daily magic fight between them or something wheeze
Cal is Merrin's, that makes him someone to count in the "my people" as much as she might wrinke her nose at it
her desire to hunt down every single individual who played a role in the attack
her need for people
ahh the Nightsiblings' constant balance of "my extended family sucks but they're mine"
3 weeks ago
TeaMergency: .....Yes, that's what happens when I put stuff down at 2 in the morning.
3 weeks ago
Maul just SO PLEASED all these Nightkin are showing up. Form a little clan, repair some of the cracks in his shattered hearts, he'll be fine.
3 weeks ago
speaksincolor: Also yes, I read that theory since Merrin can do the chant of resurrection when she's still so young and do things we've never seen other Nightsisters do like control the earth of Dathomir, she must have been a child prodigy and I like that idea.
3 weeks ago
Maul just like "She's already terrifying NOW, what will she be like later on????"
3 weeks ago
komikbookgeek: Maul is gonna have to mention to Morgan at some point about how he ended up fighting a specter of General Grievous in a haunted Sith castle and how it taunted him because he wasn't able to gain revenge on him for killing his mother and all the others. That really set him off.
lmao idk if it's child prodigy or just when you have nothing BUT alone time to teach yourself everything a Nightsister could ever want to know, you learn
but yeah either way she's scary!!!
3 weeks ago
Don't mess with this little clan. They'll END YOU.
yes they will
but yes he should
because he'll understand perfectly why she matters a weapon that is used to counter lightsabers
speaksincolor: tbh Morgan is likely to tell Merrin that she's Mother Talzin's true successor.
3 weeks ago
look, I am considering it. depends how much of a dumpster fire my life continues to be and if I have time for another game. thankfully Savage is antisocial so he can just glare and growl at people every month.
3 weeks ago
also Morgan, try not to skin them... tho let's be real, probably wouldn't be the first time for a nightbrother.....
apomorphine: honestly most months I do like 2 threads here max, it's chill!
you may also feel free to just add me for meme shenanigans
3 weeks ago
This is true! A very chill game thankfully, no AC makes a world of difference.
3 weeks ago
speaksincolor: yessss I would love meme things. aside from maul and 2 threads with a ventless, I haven't rped off of other nightkin
komikbookgeek: also aw, Merrin would appreciate hearing it, though she kind of feels like that's by tragic circumstance rather than having earned it
apomorphine: we feel the dumpster fire abs RL first but also we are here.
speaksincolor: nah Morgan would have a sincere conversation with her about it, eventually
2 weeks ago
Morgan speaksincolor Mention of Merrin!
welp I guess that settles how Merrin's gonna meet her
2 weeks ago
LOL Sounds good! Maul introduces them and then goes to hide just in case they decide to try to fight.
depending Morgan might snatch his arm like haaaa nope
2 weeks ago
Maul just hoping he doesn't get caught in an explosive fight. Can't his family just get along????
tbh: Morgan won't be trying to fight. she didn't even mean to snap a demand at Maul really, she's just rattled and lacks coping skills
2 weeks ago
And social skills. None of them are good at interacting with other people.
clan based species that almost all grew up isolated?

yeah that wouldn't fuck their social skills
(Savage is going to be the most socially apt of them I swear)
2 weeks ago
finally he's superior at something!!!!!
2 weeks ago
his time has finally come
2 weeks ago
Hehe, I love that image of Savage being the most socially apt of the Nightkin.
he had a normal upbringing!
2 weeks ago
True, unlike Maul who was /checks notes/ raised by a sociopath for almost all of his formative years.
Morgan and Merrin who thought they were the sole survivors
(and then Morgan got a friend, who was also a Clan Mother's Daughter, killed and was promptly abandoned with the dead and smoking ruin)
2 weeks ago
Kate horreur Mention of Little
2 weeks ago
Also Rorschach is definitely gonna want to seek him out and thank him with a gift. Feel like playing that out? It's been a while since the two of them interacted!
Definitely! Edward's going to be extremely fucked up about killing someone, so this would be Very Fun to play out
2 weeks ago
Bruce Matrixrefugee Mention of Wesker!
1 weeks ago
Make fontech Mention of Caduceus
inadequate tits
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
Rebekah redlionspride Look who Maul still remembers all these years later!
1 weeks ago
I LOVE when there's a moment in RP my character remembers even years later.
1 weeks ago
And Ben dying and not reviving in has had ripples throughout the ages.
1 weeks ago
brainmeat And I still remember Eddie yelling at him afterwards once Maul got his memories back and realized Ben wasn't there anymore.
1 weeks ago
That's permanently scarred him even though all the games he's been in have had revival after death. He's just like "BUT WHAT IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN???? IT'S NOT FOOLPROOF!!!"
Maul ;-;
Ben is so glad to have made an impact lol.
Someday I should have older Ben run into him :|
went back to read the full prompt too. poor guy. Ben really wasn't scared of him. silly kid. but maul also took him seriously, so that helped a lot.
1 weeks ago
redlionspride: It definitely made an impact! The first time since he was about 15 that he'd had regret for killing someone.
1 weeks ago
And in hindsight that was the beginnings of Maul realizing he'd make a good teacher. All because this pudgy little pre-teen said he wanted to learn to fight back against his bullies.
Ben was doing so good with his teaching too ;-;
1 weeks ago
OMG If he ran into older Ben he'd be ESCTATIC.
I think it would be adorable
1 weeks ago
And I loved the moment where Ben got him to stop Force-Choking Lindsey. Like that was a big moment, to realize both he could snap out of that rage and that he could stop because he was more worried about his friend than about getting revenge.
right??? ahhh sure good times. Ben was proud of you maul
1 weeks ago
It WOULD be adorable.
1 weeks ago
Maul was very proud of himself too. And Ben left with those iiiitty bitty little horns afterwards.
he did! I was in love with the horns! I miss playing the Lil shit. I had such good cr in that game
1 weeks ago
Maul was just like "He has horns now, therefore he is an honorary Zabrak!"
... so find him and douse him in ichor?
Ben, the Honoray Zabrak.... he'd try so hard not to cry at that. ;-;
1 weeks ago
Luke snickersnack Mention of Usagi
Squishy Mallow
1 weeks ago
Usagi may not be Force sensitive but considering how she presents IN the Force I think the issue is moot
1 weeks ago
LOL essentially yes.
1 weeks ago
Bucky epigrammatic Mention of Tony
1 weeks ago
Buck snickersnack Mention of Usagi
Squishy Mallow
1 weeks ago
new Usagi will be happy to continue the tradition
1 weeks ago
Maul will be so pleased!
6 days ago
Louis terriblepurpose Mention of Lestat
6 days ago
I'll have you know internally Rorschach's face is pretty much right now. Picture THAT in your mind! (LOL)
6 days ago
This makes a ton of sense but is still blowing his mind entirely.
working lunars
6 days ago
i like how louis attempts to be discreet about lestat but unfortunately he's dealing with the most assertively dramatic individual so even a passing mention of any one of his weird qualities instantly pings as "wait, THAT GUY?"
Light_shade in working on a tag back to apomorphine and I think Maul would cranky about it since there is an attempt at manipulation happening
6 days ago
yeah!!! Savage is pretty dumb to manipulation so... until he gets mad or misinterprets the situation then everyone loses because he force chokes them all. but nightsister... she can get her way with him and not just because magic
6 days ago
Oh, Maul won't like that at ALL. No one is allowed to manipulate his little brother!
6 days ago
This is but one of many reasons he's so protective of Savage.
6 days ago
terriblepurpose: LOL IT'S TRUE! If Lestat wasn't so dang dramatic, Rorschach would not be putting the pieces together like he is now.
lol yes. not even with Magick, just her station as clan mother daughter and giving him attention and such.
6 days ago
Nope. Don't do that!
it's mostly harmless. a go-Fer and someone big and mean looking to stand behind her (she does get own dirty work thank you but intimidation is sometimes a team sport).

but yeah. it's a choice
6 days ago
Well, at least he can understand the desire to have a 7'2" tank standing behind her cause Maul has had Savage do that for him in the past too.
slides in here to chuckle at how much Rorschach's talking to Kate when it's via Aurora Call
this is literally the most the man has ever said to her
yep! sometimes it's better for people to not know you are the one to fear.
6 days ago
heolstor: LOL now she realizes just how much is going on in that head of his. Just a constant monologue rambling on CONSTANTLY.
6 days ago
komikbookgeek: Exactly!!!
No wonder he says so little, he says so much in his head he's used up all his energy. Man must be EXHAUSTED
but yeah she's traditional in some ways, in others... there's not enough of them left to be.
6 days ago
heolstor: SNERK that's one way to put it! Everyone who has first heard Rorschach telepathically talking has been like ???? at how different he sounds.
6 days ago
Poor man has a disconnect between what he thinks and what he's able to say.
6 days ago
Savage is used to looming and being the intimidation factor for others
He's a good!
(also, Morgan is very Touch My Things and I Will Rain Torment Upon You, so it's not a bad place to be)
6 days ago
Whoever has Savage's loyalty earns his violence against their enemies
she will certainly try
apomorphine: pssst. Savage have bare arms or no?
5 days ago
Morgan epigrammatic Mention of Tony
5 days ago
komikbookgeek: His left arm is covered in fabric and armour and is flesh. his right arm is a prosthetic so bare metal and stuff
5 days ago
oh I should add Savage doesn't wear gloves so his left hand is bare. as his face and head. otherwise he is armored up
cool cool thank you
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