1 months ago
latest #68
dj yuri times
1 months ago
1 months ago
1 months ago
she would not hate it if Lisa wanted to help
1 months ago
okay she would hate it a bit but she knows it would be a good idea
1 months ago
dj yuri times
1 months ago
alas lisa thinks this is the worst idea of all time
1 months ago
debate her bro
dj yuri times
1 months ago
oh she will
1 months ago
dj yuri times
1 months ago
is it ok if lisa dunks on her/the idea in the post?
1 months ago
yeah sure
dj yuri times
1 months ago
excellent i think i will actually wait for the post to get some traction before lisa starts hating
1 months ago
1 months ago
1 months ago
I shall await
working lunars
1 months ago
1 months ago
Well she IS a cape geek
1 months ago
and loves teams and practice and stuff
working lunars
1 months ago
oh yeah it makes perfect sense
working lunars
1 months ago
i'm sorry everyone from your universe in game is allergic to getting better vicky
1 months ago
y'all need therapy
1 months ago
on the one hand this post sends a knot of dread to amy's stomach
1 months ago
on the other? at least she doesn't have to be roped into hanging out with victoria's friends that she can't stand anymore
working lunars
1 months ago
thank you for including victoria's important fashion judgment on capes
1 months ago
ectoplasmfear: just another thing they can both ruminate and slowly go insane about
1 months ago
terriblepurpose: I find it hilarious because she has the exact same opinion than Taylor
1 months ago
And GG had a cape
dj yuri times
1 months ago
ectoplasmfear: instead amy gets to hang out with tt. who she cannot stand
1 months ago
no she hates tattletale. there's a difference
1 months ago
at least tattletale isn't DATING HER SISTER
1 months ago
Well, the fandom would certainly love that
dj yuri times
1 months ago
yeah i would need to actually read ward to evaluate lisa and vicky for myself but personally i like it when they fight
1 months ago
oh it's all fandom
1 months ago
in Ward they eventually just argue like an old married couple
dj yuri times
1 months ago
big thumbs up from me re: arguing
dj yuri times
1 months ago
i'm so sorry to victoria in advance for all the shit lisa is going to pull
1 months ago
well, she can try
1 months ago
now she has superman on her side
1 months ago
dj yuri times
1 months ago
puts my head in my hands. i am so sorry to superman too
dj yuri times
1 months ago
lisa came in right after gold morning so she's really committed to the hater lifestyle (out of her mind with grief)
1 months ago
ah yeah, the good old "the world is ending" times
1 months ago
is this going to end with Victoria actually caring about Lisa? I hadn't considered that
dj yuri times
1 months ago
we shall see!! lisa has been extremely abrasive and angry as of late but vicky is one of her favorite chew toys
dj yuri times
1 months ago
the arguing is good for lisa. it's enrichment
1 months ago
she's going to discover just how much has vicky matured
1 months ago
all the bats dropping in here like "excuse you"
1 months ago
lisa carrying enough hate in her heart for superheroes for all of earth bet
1 months ago
I mean Supes already convinced her to give them a change lmao flamingchemist:
1 months ago
she's just scared because in her world not having powers immediately puts you in the background
1 months ago
well obviously Steph is just stating facts. it's definitely not any kind of personal experience. nope. she's never fought clayface why would she fight clayface ha ha ha
working lunars
1 months ago
when Krouse found out about nonpowered superheroes he was also like well that sounds completely unhinged but good for you
1 months ago
but good for you? not at all, that's horrible
1 months ago
I'm pretty sure most Worm villains would be horrified at the idea even
1 months ago
Steph won't argue that, it IS completely unhinged
1 months ago
If Victoria ever meets Batman and learns about the batpeople she might understand
1 months ago
And also be surprised
working lunars
1 months ago
Oh yeah it is horrible, he's pretty sure the people in charge of her team (obviously they have handlers, right?) are out of their minds, but she hadn't died yet so she must be doing something right
1 months ago
Vicky is learning about the MHA world and wow
1 months ago
Sounds like heaven
working lunars
1 months ago
sounds FAKE and MADE UP more like < guy who has talked to Deku
1 months ago
80% of people with powers, government registering
1 months ago
world hasn't ended?
1 months ago
1 months ago
1 months ago
Steph in the corner like "I know you never count me but suck it, my heart stopped on-screen"
1 months ago
meanwhile amy is talking to deku about the crimes against humanity and the rampant corruption in mha
1 months ago
"I knew it!" -vicky
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