4 weeks ago
I'm playing the offline version of dive and it's so friggin' weird
latest #25
4 weeks ago
they removed the gacha mechanic and the former gacha currency is now just a weird extra kind of currency (which I think they also hand out really generously)
4 weeks ago
I think they also removed the daily login bonus but like... that seems to be the extent of the changes made
4 weeks ago
the entire ui is still built around the assumption that you're playing on a phone
4 weeks ago
lots of clicking in specific places that are pretty far away from the last specific place you clicked. technically you can do this with the controller... but only because you can move the mouse pointer around with the controller
4 weeks ago
also it's one of those dumb cases of a 2d platformer mapping movement to the analog stick instead of the d-pad
4 weeks ago
that said the controller instantly feels infinitely better than trying to play a platformer with a touchscreen, which is always a miserable experience
4 weeks ago
also I haven't even met the zero recolor yet and it's already given me enough former gacha currency to unlock iris so hey
4 weeks ago
I think some of the item upgrading has been simplified too
4 weeks ago
a negative, meanwhile: cinnamon is very expensive for some reason
4 weeks ago
On the bright side
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
are mods actually a thing or are they just a potential thing
on Steam there are absolutely mods already
4 weeks ago
the first thing people did was start to restore the crossover characters from the original version
4 weeks ago
Offline actually is balanced very differently since there's no PvP, among other reasons, but the remnants of it being a mobile game are definitely still there
4 weeks ago
...I completely forgot the online version had pvp
I still play it on my phone because the touchscreen controls don't really bother me (it technically has controller support but I've never gotten it to work)
but the move from "random gacha basis" to "everything is purchaseable across various types of shops" makes it feel very different and weird, tbh
I'm glad it's preserved as a game, but the "shell of a former gacha game" context is the only way to explain its design decisions, lol
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
I'd forgotten how awkward the translation was
4 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/5NG6M67OIxlzZ2naIwSHi2.jpg I'm a healer, but...
DiVE's premise of the player character literally just taking on the other characters' appearances and attributes in combat gave them an excuse for so many ridiculous character-weapon combinations
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