فك يو
4 months ago
[POI] root and shaw respectively joining the team are like
latest #16
فك يو
4 months ago
root: "i'm going to be the sexy mysterious stranger who moves in and out of your lives seemingly at random :-) you'll never know when i'll pop up :-) :-) wink wonk"
فك يو
4 months ago
shaw: "i'm going to be the sullen eighth grader who really doesn't want to be here, until i decide that i actually do want to be here, at which point i will immediately morph into the bratty little sister to every single one of you"
4 months ago
"Wink wonk" should be the captions for every time Root tries to wink
فك يو
4 months ago
فك يو
4 months ago
it's also a Homestuckism and now I'm thinking about whether or not root ever tangentially encountered Homestuck fandom
4 months ago
had a brush with it but was peak snobby weeb and never interacted with them
فك يو
4 months ago
perfect, new headcanon
Goose Botherer
4 months ago
but what are their classpects
فك يو
4 months ago
I never memorized the class traits but now I'm so curious. To the deep recesses of the Homestuck wiki
Shell of a boy
4 months ago
it still amazes me that I know fuck all about homestuck.
4 months ago
I never homestucked at all lol so i am no help (LOL)
Shell of a boy
4 months ago
how did I even manage that? I literally wrote notes about it so I didn't make Hanna sound like a moron xD
Shell of a boy
4 months ago
all of my friends were obsessed and I just couldn't get it.
فك يو
4 months ago
Shaw Knight of Hope, Root Witch of Rage
فك يو
4 months ago
Hope only mostly fits Shaw (she is not very imaginative) but Rage is Root to a t
فك يو
4 months ago
Mind is also incredibly finch-coded. Reese is Doom
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