9 months ago
[irl] some chatter on the state of affairs~
9 months ago
brother has moved to bigger flat, settling in nice. sister is up to move out in 6 weeks and driving mum mad with a lack of preparation
9 months ago
aunt has agreed to buy mums house (once we actually put it online and she was all flabbergasted we'd do that), send an examinator over who had no complains. i'll make 3 crosses when this is over
9 months ago
mum will move into my neighborhood in autumn, bc not getting younger and all. it'll be nice to have her around and she's already excited to be in a city, where she can go out with friends easier than village in nowhere
9 months ago
apprenticeship is back to a longer work stretch, which is nicer than the atrocious levels school has fallen to. one teacher came back from 'leave' and uh, well. if there is a conspiracy theory out there, he bought into it