( us pol ) so can someone eli5 what this means for his presidential race
latest #59
can he still run
what the fuck
he could win from jail lol
this country is broken
there's no law keeping felons or prisoners from becoming president
yeah, he's already fundraising off of this
so felons can't vote but they can become president?
if he wins the presidency, none of this matters. He could be found guilty of everything and it wouldn't matater.
he's fundraising so hard the site crashed
3 months ago
and he can still (and will) appeal.
He gets sentenced on the 11th, and then he gets his appeal, and he can still go to the supreme court who haven't replied to his last request for protection
just let me go to fucking Canada already
If he wins, literally everything crashes and burns, so the only thing anyone can do is try to beat him.
3 months ago
the RNC is four days after sentencing, and there's no reason to believe the GOP still won't hand him the nomination again.
If he loses the election, he can and will be held responsible for everything, so that's the only way
literally the only constitutional things that are required to be a president are that you're over the age of 35, have lived in the us for 14 years, and are a "natural born" citizen. which it's kind of wild that there aren't a few more stipulations tacked on at this point...
I don't think they ever conceived of something like this
they kind of assumed the person running for president wouldn't be a convicted criminal. which doesn't help us now. i mean before Trump no one would have thought that possible either.
the only way to nail this guy is for him to lose the election.
3 months ago
yeah if he loses the election, he's well and truly fucked.
3 months ago
or, you know, the right goes to war over this.
they might try if he loses, but we still need him to lose first
we live in a capitalist hellscape dystopian joke of a society
3 months ago
Wait WHAT. I just read through this because that exploded my head and found out that he can’t be on a jury or own a firearm (he can still vote because New York don’t bar felons from voting and Florida leave it up to the state of conviction -- which I don’t agree with anyway [banning felons from voting]) BUT HE CAN RUN FOR FKING PRESIDENT?!
and win! lol
3 months ago
wingedvoices actually, he moved his home state to Flordia awhile ago; his residence is officially Mar-A-Lago, and Florida doesn't allow convicted felons to vote. XD
yeah he can't vote, but it doesn't matter
he doesn't need HIS vote lol
3 months ago
though DeSantis might grant him an exception or special dispensation anyway.
3 months ago
3 months ago
oh man don’t even JOKE
3 months ago
SamuraiMarmoset: hmmm not what the news was saying let me see where I saw it
3 months ago
“A Florida resident with a felony conviction in another state—like Trump—is only ineligible to vote in Florida “if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted,””
3 months ago
“Because Trump was convicted in Manhattan, he'll face New York's felon voting rules, which allow a felon to vote as long as they are not behind bars—meaning Trump would be able to vote as long as he doesn’t go to jail.”
he will be trying to do everything possible to steal the vote and will start a war over it if he can because otherwise he knows he's probably dying in prison
probably another reason there's no law against felons being presidents is that the founding fathers were uh sort of also felons. at least against great britain. so it probably wasn't in their minds to bar someone "like them" from being president
so this is life or death for him
speculation of course
3 months ago
oh. Well, there you go then. I retract my previous statement!
3 months ago
watchet: this is possible although I mean. It’s also (a third secret thing!) possible that we just didn’t have enough laws on the books when we were throwing together who could be president, lol, or that felonies were (are?) SO states’ rights that they didn’t think it should be federal at all
and after that it just never occurred to anyone that a felon would run for president............
yes that is also true
3 months ago
I really do think ‘we didn’t think we had to say that part out loud much less that you would vote for him’ is the winner here
oh i totally get why the founding fathers themselves didnt put it in there. but you'd think there would be a minor amendment by now
3 months ago
muttonchops: haha right?? you know, no tying giraffes to poles in GA, no mention of criminal records for president...
trump did a bunch of shit the first time around where literally no one could figure out if it was actually illegal... because no one thought they would ever need to explicitly outlaw such outlandish bullshit
3 months ago
(things that should have maybe been amended by now)
3 months ago
god I have a running joke with my family about how you should never be the person someone needs to make a sign about but like. Trump is THAT PERSON IN EVERY WAY
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he could still run and win UGH what the fuck it's such insanity
I reaaaaaally want to make a Becket joke about meddlesome real estate developers but what I do not want is a visit about a joke from people who guard prominent politicians and their families
just: yes, this was never gonna stop him from running or even winning, because the Republican Party has dropped the mask of, like, standards and decency, and we've spent 9 years now intermittently hostage to one moronic narcissist's toxic ego issues.
maybe (probably) "democratic norms" were always kind of an illusion anyway... I believe someone shot someone on the floor of the Senate in the 1850s... but I think they should still be a baseline expectation.
yeah it's ludicrous to me that felons can't vote but he can be president as one
yah we just got a president who was jailed and is hiding away in an embassy cuz the moment he steps out he's going to jail, but he's our president cuz ppl voted for him ?? so in any case politicians anywhere in the world have more rights than anyone else it seems
good luck america, dont be like us
im sure we will find a way to be worse
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