rambling commentary (patreon chapters as they release)
latest #19
Chapter 215

Me all emotional throughout the entire episode as John does his thing and hnnngh what a lovely chapter for him.
Then the end just me like "huh, there's that Hoagy Carmichael song again" on the (metaphorical [probably]) radio. Last heard in the Butcher episode. /faint wistful smile
But yes, damn that was a good episode.
I just had to say the song comment. It hit me.
The whole episode just like BAM EMOTIONS and then that sudden end and song. phffft.
"Your drink will be here for you when you get back."
jfc lmao this scene...
"the Waylay" well then. what is this now.
when he gets back. when he gets back. god.
God, Yorick is still cracking me up just by existing.
The fandom must be going crazy.
Arthur thinking about Faroe just. /wibble
Okay then. That was an interesting chapter.
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