home from momo... have another con this weekend that we're driving to, lol
latest #18
momo was aiight. didn't do as well as we expected for a show that size on the east coast, but we did pretty good
average for our west coast cons, honestly. so really only disappointing in comparison to when we did anime Boston last year, lol
🎵 mish
3 months ago
there were a lot of cons this weekend
I was at Thy Geekdom in Philly... you also had Anime North in Toronto
yup and fanime in california
we were just really excited about momo bc we always heard it was really good for vendors, but this year apparently everyone overall underperformed
it was a lot of artists in a giant hall that only had one entrance and people kept getting lost trying to find it bc it was a different one from previous years
aahhh yeah... layout changes can be rough
Big Dad Energy
3 months ago
im gonna fight them for you
why do they keep messing with the hall layouts? >:T
sob yeah. there was nothing to really draw people all the way through the hall and they couldn't open the doors on the other side because of something in the contract and being understaffed... so everybody on that side of the room suffered for it (aaaaaand guess where our table was, lololololol)
booo D:
we do have this other little con this weekend, and we were at a con last week as well, so i'm at least not super strapped
I hope things go well at the little one
lol yeah we have no idea what to expect from that one
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