Mark (CG)
1 months ago
no power because transformer at the end of the road went kaboom. insert sad face here.
latest #11
1 months ago
Hopefully no one got injured.
1 months ago
I mean, the oil inside the transformers can be way more than boiling hot, plus all that metal inside... (ninja)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
energon doesnt burn, does it?
1 months ago
i mean, anything would turn into plasma given a high enough temperature (okok)
1 months ago
But seriously speaking, I had to look it up to make sure. I remember a fire that was made worse because of the transformer oil spilling onto the burning houses.
1 months ago
It's a PDF file containing some specifications for power transmission facilities managed by Meralco.
1 months ago
It isn't the type of transformer you'd find up the street posts, but I suppose it's similar enough:
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
a little over 24 hours of no power.
apparently it was caused by a bird landing on the transformer? wtf how is that not happening all the time, then? (LOL)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
fixed now btw, was awkward being the only street in the village with no power heh
1 months ago
chaosghost: welcome back! (rock)
and uh, maybe the bird just got very unlucky to have put their feet across the different terminals (essentially creating a short, and turning the poor bird into a fuse)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
I'm going to celebrate by listening toTimothee Chalamet (Music Video)again (lmao)
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