1 months ago
I don't know wtf is wrong with me but every little set back is really getting to me and it's stupid and frustrating.
latest #9
1 months ago
Today I got super depressed because my plans for picking up lunch were derailed and instead of my yummy lunch I had weetbix.
damn Free!dom
1 months ago
A Drop Lindsard
1 months ago
I think that's a legit thing to be depressed/upset over.
1 months ago
On the plus side, I might have found mum some help for her knee
Rival Fenix
1 months ago
1 months ago
1 months ago
Had a panic attack and some other depression stuff I don't wanna talk about on Sunday, yesterday was miserable and mild fever
1 months ago
It does suck when you become over sensitive to things that don't normally bother you but try to remember that it's just a dip in the rollarcoaster and maybe in a week or so it won't seem so bad
1 months ago
Yeah. Most of last week was like this, so I'm hoping another week or two and it'll pass.
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