Seems that’s not an option in the US and Canada! Haha... but! Here is a video that details how you can complain about it. Kinda
They changed things as of the above guys instructions and you now have to submit an image that “has your information that you want taken down”
I took a screenshot of my page and said “don’t use this for AI models!!” Just out of spite. I’m sure they won’t listen but it’s a way to vent
Then I ran two of my artworks through Nightshade (the AI poisoning program the University of Chicago came up with) reposted those, and took the rest down.
But yeah! I wanted to give a heads up to anyone else that uses Instagram to post art (or... Facebook for that matter. idk who posts art on Facebook but it’s gotta be somebody)

they really are trying it on everywhere aren't they
I'm only surprised a ~ Meta ~ outlet took this long
inkycompass: They truly are

But yeah, unsurprising that Meta is doing this, but still. It IS exhausting.
(And like... I hadn’t touched that account in a couple of years, really, so it was easy enough for me to decide to take this much down. I can’t imagine how people who DEPEND on their accounts as a portfolio and a way of getting work feel.)
I tried to delete my facebook account years ago but the twins are connected to us via messenger kids so we're stuck with it for now
They turn 13 in a year from Friday, we're making a family discord and deleting Facebbok then
ew. gonna delete my gw2 stuff. was gonna post a message about leaving it anyway since I forget to crosspost.
insufficientdata: That sounds like an EXCELLENT plan. (I am sorry it’s one you even have to consider, though)
...huh, the link subsumed my bottom text.
Anywho, I was trying to warn that it’s a beast of a program and makes my PC crawl when generating images, so that’s something to keep in mind
i wish we could press fast forward on the 'find out' step but nooo we gotta let 'fuck around' process
.......they are NOT scraping pics of my art OR my fucking pets
I don’t have Instagram but have warned others. Thanks for heads up!
thanks I'm gonna purge my insta now
It's infuriating for US users because you have to "prove" that AI has scraped your data and you have no option to opt-out.
They want prompts and screencaps. :\
so fucking obnoxious I'm so sick of this shit
the junkification of the internet just exponentially increasing at this rate it'll become entirely useless in short order
coveredinbees: Yeeeaaah. It’s ridiculous. By the time you report it they’ll be like, “Welp, it’s already in the engine! Nothing we can dooooo!”
Welp, time to delete insta
just fyi this may not be fully rolled out yet - my about/privacy policy was past updated 12/23 and doesnt mention anything about AI. I went in an deleted my posts anyway since I'm sure it's coming
does this apply to facebook photo posts too?
I wouldn't be surprised if it does tbh
US users having no option to opt out is fucking atrocious
my friend works as an illustrator for a living so she can't delete all of her stuff off since it's also her client list
fuck this whole thing, I wish people would stop sitting on their asses about regulating this blatant theft of data and invasion of privacy
washbear: I believe the roll out is supposed to be something like June 24th or 26th?
centiskorch: I wouldn’t be surprised if it does? Based on the privacy policy verbiage it feels like it tied into WhatsApp, which is part of Meta.
noctowl: Gosh, yeah, I feel SO bad for any artists who make their living/connections/networking via Instagram. :[
It’s such an awful place to be in
noctowl: It truly is unconscionable how little it’s regulated and how gleefully corporations are wantonly rolling it out
they're getting the grift out as quickly as possible before congress actually gets up off their asses and does something about it
you'd think the realization "oh, they can make fake images about US" would have lit a fire under their asses but I guess opening up waste of time investigations into biden uhhh [checks notes] loaning his brother money before he even became president was more important
(sorry for the politics mention just illustrating how flabbergasting how much time has been wasted on NOTHING when things like THIS are happening)
i am seriously tempted to start doing Things about it but that would require a. learning how to use ai, b. probably some way to protect myself against retaliation, and c. effort
noctowl: but they're making so much moneeeeey, think about the moneeeey, how else are they going to steal all the moneeeeyyyyyy /s
Ugh time to take all my stuff off FB and intsa
they are losing money, they need to lose it faster
they're one of the many things i would like to yeet into the sun, yes.
chocoballs: i know ai decently well and at least three of my relatives are programmers, so tell me exactly what you want (privately, ofc, don't want the corpos taking any notes) and i'll see if i can help make it happen.
i'm a humanities person in a stem family, and i'd like to make some good use of that
lmao oh lord. i'll have to think about it... but thanks for your offer!
chocoballs: no pressure.

i just happen to have Some Weird New Ideas about Solving The AI Issue already, that's all. and i think i'm gonna find some way or another to make use of them eventually.
Templetroper: Gosh, I want you to know I gave your comment about "Weird New Ideas about Solving the AI Issue" THE most starry-eyed look.
I don't know what you have in mind or what you plan to get up to but GODSPEED o7