rlly good brain
4 months ago
Okay but what if Yang threw in her hat for taking over the Defense Force but then tried to re-make it as a collaborative effort between the Dreamers and the locals?
latest #69
rlly good brain
4 months ago
Some musings while I work on my long overdue back-tags.
ohhhhhh interesting 👀👀👀
rlly good brain
4 months ago
Because Yang's never been a huge fan of the Dreamers/Locals factioning that seems to keep cropping up, because lol, look at what factions get you back in Remnant.
lmao Yang would be a great choice for that, because she's very much seen the result of what happens when someone dictates how defense goes without involving the opinions of everybody being defended
4 months ago
The Defense Force is reorganized into The Yang Gang
i love that so much
rlly good brain
4 months ago
cosmonautdelta THIS exactly. Like she obviously really admired the Happy Huntresses and how they were organized and maintained things in Mantle. Like that's how a Defense Force should work. For the good of everybody.
rlly good brain
4 months ago
The funny thing is, I feel like she'd also be like... "Iiiiiii am not at all smart enough to figure this out on my own."
rlly good brain
4 months ago
And then she'd be like, "But I know somebody who is super smart and has experience organizing movements. 8D"
rlly good brain
4 months ago
"Blake, you wanna help me create a White Fang derivative movement in Somnius?"
rlly good brain
4 months ago
Blake would 100% prefer to be an advisor rather than a leader, because she thinks she's the wrong choice for a leader, but she'd be happy to help Yang figure out a charter of intent and methods
rlly good brain
4 months ago
She would be like, "Hey, so you like helped fix the White Fang from the inside out, can you help me fix the Defense Force so that it actually helps people?"
she'd also be very onboard with trying to get some gelflings and goblins to have leading voices in what the defense force does
and maybe structuring it as more of a rescue and safety thing? because there's been multiple times where the locals haven't wanted help (like with the skeksis)
rlly good brain
4 months ago
That'd be exactly what she'd want for the group. And yeah, especially since she's seen the gelflings and goblins struggle with defending themselves.
or honestly, instead of taking over the defense force, yang could start her own thing lmao
4 months ago
The Yang Gang
and be like "hey defense force people, we're a local-lead search and rescue group, sign up if you want"
"we only intervene if the locals want us to intervene"
rlly good brain
4 months ago
SamuraiMarmoset ROFL, that name would absolutely be floated at some point during the "What do we call ourselves?" but also promptly rejected because "We are not calling ourselves the Yang Gang." XDXDXD
rlly good brain
4 months ago
cosmonautdelta LMAO that also sounds like Yang. "/reads through the Defense Force documents. /and then tosses them over her shoulder and makes her own with blackjack and hookers-/shot"
yang: "it's way too complicated to read through everything and make changes. let's start something from the ground up"
rlly good brain
4 months ago
LOL that's it exactly. Build something crooked, you gotta knock it down and start over.
4 months ago
but consider that members would get Honourary Yang Status, complete with complimentary duster, aviators and catgirl girlfriend* (catgirl girlfriend supplies may be limited to non-existent)
4 months ago
if Izutsumi joins she can be her own catgirl girlfriend
rlly good brain
4 months ago
Come to think of it, a new movement might also be able to help with other things that weren't under the original scope of the Defense Force. Things like Welcome/Orientation groups for newcomers, some rudimentary- HONORARY YANG STATUS I'M DEAD.
oooh orientation groups would be fun!
complimentary aviators tho...
rlly good brain
4 months ago
I do know she'd be interested in going to Red Son and Lucan about providing the Defense group (and potentially newcomers) with some simple weaponry (like choice of a sword/bow/shield whatever) to train and learn with, with the understanding that they'll come back for like...a more personalized/legit weapon from them later.
rlly good brain
4 months ago
The complimentary aviators would 100% be a thing she'd suggest. Just asks the crystal for a crate of aviators.
naming it the Yang Gang would differentiate it from the defense force...
or maybe rescue squad or something lmao
4 months ago
rattling bars of my cage YANG! GANG!
rlly good brain
4 months ago
cosmonautdelta "How about the D Club?" "YANG" "What? D for Defense? :3 "
blake just facepalms in the background and goes "yes, dear. you can name it the d club if you want"
4 months ago
if a lot of people join it'll be the Big D Club
rlly good brain
4 months ago
They'll have to let Weiss (or Blake) name it because otherwise Yang'll keep coming up with stupid pun names and Weiss'll probably be like, "I'm not attaching my name to a movement with a name like that." XDXDXD
yang: proceeds to market it with slogans like Big D Club Energy
rlly good brain
4 months ago
She'd do this. Fully aware and knowingly, she'd do this. X3
also, blake would 100% recommend they talk to the mha hero characters since they also have good experience with defense and rescue and would have some valuable insight
rlly good brain
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
cosmonautdelta Absolutely. Also laughing because I keep meaning to have Yang learn about Quirks because she'd just be like "That's a Semblance." XDXD
rlly good brain
4 months ago
Oh unrelated but while I'm thinking of it samuraimarmoset cosmonautdelta Should we put anything in on the Vaeros thread survey? I know our thread didn't get super far yet but it seems like just summarizing what they're going to do is fine.
4 months ago
yeah I think we should!
rlly good brain
4 months ago
Samuraimarmoset I'll be happy to write it up. Just let me know what Thor would have done/is going to do. X3
ooh yes! Blake would have done the stealth part of the mission and would have been Team Let's Not Kill Anybody Here Because For All We Know The Local Guards Could Just Be Brainwashed
rlly good brain
4 months ago
fjksdks Yang would be like, "Fair enough." But can she still sock a Skeksis in the teeth? Please let her sock a Skeksis in the teeth.
rlly good brain
4 months ago
I feel like she'd have also been super tempted to tamper with the dungeon cells somehow/leave them implements to free themselves later because lol JAIL BREAK EAT IT VAEROS but then again maybe not. XDXD
lmao she can absolutely punch them in the teeth all she likes
(blake would have been very tempted to stage a jailbreak too lajdksajda)
rlly good brain
4 months ago
rlly good brain
4 months ago
(gghsk Yang and Blake as Team "Oops we dropped some metal files and lock-picking tools conspicuously close to the bars, sure hope nobody picks them up and uses them to free themselves 8D" )
oops we accidentally scratched off some magic sigils carved onto the walls, sure hope those weren't wards
rlly good brain
4 months ago
"Oh wow that skeksis I just punched out happened to have this chain of keys on him. I guess I'll put them right by these cell doors so that they don't get lost."
rlly good brain
4 months ago
SamuraiMarmoset Bees orchestrating a jailbreak aside, let me know if Thor would have gotten into anything specific/done a murder or anything, and I'll pop a comment up on the survey post for the thread. X3
4 months ago
yeah Thor would have been like...the Distraction. Be big and make a lot of noise and maybe toss some Skeksis/guards so Yang and Blake had cover to move around and get shit done.
4 months ago
felt therapeutic.
rlly good brain
4 months ago
rlly good brain
4 months ago
4 months ago
well done
rlly good brain
4 months ago
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