3 months ago
Would it be okay to share a wish list from Amazon for things like toothpaste and laundry soap? I haven't had the money to buy stuff and they're cutting my hours so it's going to get worse before I can find another job and get another paycheck.
latest #6
3 months ago
I don't see why not.
emily ✟
3 months ago
I think thats a good idea
3 months ago
Id get you stuff from it
3 months ago
Thank you. I said I wouldn’t ask for help anymore so I won’t ask for money or make a gofundme or anything, but there are some items I’ve been needing and no matter what I never have enough money for them anymore. It’s been a rough day, but I also feel like the universe is telling me something.
3 months ago
I’ll make a list tonight and post it tomorrow. Got hours cut so I’ll have time. Lol
3 months ago
Also, on the bright side I don’t have to be at work as early so another hour of sleep.
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