gremlin wife
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
I had a BUNNY EXPERIENCE yesterday!! Pics inside!
(Minor CW for animal death precipitating the Experience, no pics of that)
latest #46
gremlin wife
3 months ago
Luna was sniffing around the yard in front of our building the night before and in the morning in a suspicious way, so I started poking around
gremlin wife
3 months ago
Unfortunately, I found some evidence that the recent lawn mowing had killed a small animal, which started me looking for rabbits
gremlin wife
3 months ago
I didn't expect to find anything positive, so imagine my surprise when Luna and I found a nest with warm babbies inside ;o;
gremlin wife
3 months ago
I put Luna inside and went back to check the babies for injuries
gremlin wife
3 months ago
gremlin wife
3 months ago
They were so soft and wiggly and FAST
gremlin wife
3 months ago
good lord, so fast
3 months ago
how did you resist kissing the little white spots
gremlin wife
3 months ago
kadath: mostly by imagining how much it would hurt if they bit me in the face
3 months ago
gremlin wife
3 months ago
3 months ago
rabbit bites do hurt way more than a herbivore chomping you should
3 months ago
soft and wiggly and fast, all of my favorite qualities
gremlin wife
3 months ago
We put the babbies back in their hole and tucked the fluff back in around them, and then I set up The Bunny Basket
gremlin wife
3 months ago
(Shira then found a fourth baby a few feet off by virtue of almost stepping on the poor thing)
gremlin wife
3 months ago
(It was also soft and wiggly and fast)
gremlin wife
3 months ago
I wanted to set up some strings to see if mama came back, but we had severe storms forecast for last night, so I figured that I wouldn't be able to tell if mama moved them or the weather, so I didn't bother
gremlin wife
3 months ago
And resigned myself to not knowing
gremlin wife
3 months ago
A few hours later as I was leaving the house I saw
gremlin wife
3 months ago
gremlin wife
3 months ago
gremlin wife
3 months ago
gremlin wife
3 months ago
gremlin wife
3 months ago
I stayed very still and waited....
gremlin wife
3 months ago
gremlin wife
3 months ago
gremlin wife
3 months ago
mama found the babies!
3 months ago
فك يو
3 months ago
3 months ago
telling mom all about the GIANT FURLESS MONSTERS
فك يو
3 months ago
their adventure in cardboard
gremlin wife
3 months ago
Their horrible, terrifying adventure
gremlin wife
3 months ago
I can only imagine what my neighbors must have thought, watching my chubby ass running all over the yard and throwing myself on the ground trying to catch them as they bolted XD
oh yeah those guys are almost nest leaving age
good at bunnying
gremlin wife
3 months ago
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing them out and about in a few days
gremlin wife
3 months ago
They're not quite at softball stage, but they are close
dead characters
3 months ago
these buns!!!!
Spooky Action
3 months ago
Spooky Action
3 months ago
I was afraid that the lawnmower got the mother bunny
Spooky Action
3 months ago
yay for bun reunion
boop snoot riot
3 months ago
Luna is such a good Finder
boop snoot riot
3 months ago
and you and Shira such good Bunsitters!!
3 months ago
Aww bunny adventure!
3 months ago
Glad you got that mom closure
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