1 months ago
Roleplay Choice Question...

Let's say you're a cleric in a post-renaissance, early industrial, but still high-magic campaign. You've just been hit with a whammy that the god you worship is fundamentally different than everything you've ever known, and frankly, you're kind of done with it all...
latest #13
1 months ago you essentially decide to forsake your own deity. This means giving up a lot of your abilities, especially spellcasting, but it's a personal decision you feel is necessary. The question is... what do you do from there?
1 months ago
Your stats give you tons of Wisdom and just enough Dex to multiclass, so your options are Druid, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, and Rogue. Given that you'll be giving up virtually everything from your previous class aside from hit dice... where do you go, to start over?
1 months ago
My current preferences are Fighter, for martial weapons and second wind, Rogue, for added skills & expertise, or Ranger, for a sort of middle ground between the two...
1 months ago
...and while Druid would synergize well, given the added spell slots, I feel like he would seek a clean break from spellcasting. And given his existing training in armor and shields, Monk seems like a bit TOO extreme of a change.
DK Jump Scare
1 months ago
I’d say ranger, with the focus on wis and dex
DK Jump Scare
1 months ago
At least in terms of efficiency
1 months ago
my thoughts as well.
DK Jump Scare
1 months ago
you'd still have some access to magic, too, in a much more diminished state, which feels good for the roleplay front from what you've described here.
DK Jump Scare
1 months ago
like he wants to pull away from magic, but sometimes you just gotta, y'know?
1 months ago
Where he is now (stressed-out cleric)
1 months ago
where he might go (ranger career change)
1 months ago
(yes, guns are a thing in this campaign)
DK Jump Scare
1 months ago
(always fun)
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