Mark (CG)
1 months ago
I Debunked Evolutionary PsychologyOh so that's why I was terrible on the subject back in college- because it's bullshit. Not because I was a terrible student (ninja)
latest #17
1 months ago
clicks on the video link... 3 hours long
Uh... tl;dw of the vid?
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
faramond: the comments do the tl;dw quite well but basically it's pseudoscience that promotes eugenics/chauvinism because it's somewhat rooted in late 1800s early 1900s mindset. Also it's a "start from conclusion then find researches that support it" kinda thing
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
Also go watch the last part since all her video essays end in a song about the topic she talked about, it's about wanting to fuck Timothee Chalamet (lmao)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
also lmao her description explains it pretty much:

Hello people who read the description. Why are you here? The video's up there. Well to give you a basic rundown... men's existence is to be guy being dude (and spin block in head), women's existence is to manipulate guy being dude (and remember olive oil),
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
gay and trans people's existence is to confuse evolutionary psychologists, David Buss's student surveys are totally accurate, hypergamy has nothing to do with patriarchy but everything to do with women doing eugenics, Richard Dawkins is totally right about genes, contraception is the downfall of the West and Geoffrey Miller is my favourite guy."
1 months ago
RE: video descriptions, it's really unfortunate that the video description is now mostly used by video creators to put stuff not related to the video, but rather just marketing or affiliate links or whatever else.
1 months ago
that's why I unlearned the habit of checking them. sorry~ (ninja)
1 months ago
Thanks for the tl;dw rundown though. Will watch the vid once I've got the three hours
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
faramond: she has a second channel where she uploads the music videos she makes for her video essays (LOL)Timothee Chalamet (Music Video)
1 months ago
"A female plan to breed timothee chalamets is the plot of dune"
-one of the comments
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
It's a good plan
1 months ago
I've just heard of the name, looked him up and... uh. I must resist, I'm still on the clock (haha)(ninja)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
My Man's a Hexagon (Music Video)Here's one from her video debunking crypto and web 3.0 from a couple years back, I guess that's more up your alley (LOL)Web3.0: A Libertarian Dystopia
1 months ago
Do I need incognito mode for this? (unsure) /jk
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
I mean it's on Youtube, surely you can't see NSFW on Youtub- pfft
1 months ago
Saving the videos for later watching. Listening to the Hexagon song tho.
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
her songs are the reward for getting through her video essays (LOL)
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