Mark (CG)
1 months ago I hate how much I want to buy and like this game but they've fucked it so bad I can't in good conscience get it (lmao)
latest #67
1 months ago
Ahh, yeah. It seems the first game is still the recommended one daw. Haven't been updated about such things in a very long while tho.
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
faramond: first game with mods is still the way to go because right now the second game only has QOL improvements that the first game's mods provide
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
the main problem, at least from the content creator POV, is that if you build a city in Skylines 2, you've built 'em all. There's no variety in building assets, nothing to make your city build "pop" and be distinct from others.
1 months ago
chaosghost: hmm, i see. So the experience for the player with just the first one's base game is worse than a player with the second one's base game? Seems reasonable, I guess.
1 months ago
But like with Sims 3 and Sims 4, a lot of what makes such games tick is the mods and user-created content you can add to the base game.
1 months ago
the "no variety" in building assets feels like it's just Cities 1.5. (LOL)
1 months ago
Mejo di lang ako masyado maka-relate dun sa "no variety in building assets" though since I'm to pleb to buy the DLCs and the mods. (ninja)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
OH and I almost forgot: they made mods third-party. There's no steam workshop for Skylines 2
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
That's like. WHY
1 months ago
chaosghost: Uhm. WHY?! I am hoping they've got some technical reason for it.... Like, again, the appeal for these games are mods, right?
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
faramond: if you want to build an american city, Skylines 2 has your back.
You want to build Manila? Play the first game. You want Tokyo? first game. You want British townhouses? first game. You want to avoid ALL HIGH DENSITY? First game.
1 months ago
chaosghost: I see~ I usually just pretend that I built Metro Manila with the buildings from idk, some random US city.
1 months ago
> You want to avoid ALL HIGH DENSITY? First game.
Lol! Di pa ako umabot sa ganyang level sa City Skylines. I'm still struggling to keep my city core alive while trying to increase population for my high-density core make sense.
1 months ago
But then again, I made my city core way more high-density than necessary (ninja)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
Apparently the mods are in-game so it could be downloaded by console players as well
1 months ago
> Apparently the mods are in-game so it could be downloaded by console players as well
This for the second game? I guess that... suffices as an alibi for keeping mods third party?
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
I liked steam workshop cuz I can impulse get city assets in the first game. I DON'T EVEN LIKE JOLLIBEE WHY DO I HAVE A JOLLIBEE STORE IN MY CITY
1 months ago
okay, first game it is then! (LOL)
i'll get it for my PS4 though. my PC can't handle this. xD
1 months ago
chaosghost: I get ya. (haha) but my experience about those "impulse get assets" is from a different game that I don't think anyone has even heard of.
Mark (CG)
1 months ago 589 mods, most of those random building assets lmao
1 months ago
ukifuneritsu: huh? oh!! I've gotten my base game for free via steam. I just forgot how.
Mark (CG)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago "Complete your Collection". No, I don't think I will (LOL)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
I bought the DLCs I'm interested in already, is the thing
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
Green Cities though... Wait no I won't be tempted
1 months ago
Damn, 7k for the bundle of 59 DLC's? Parang ilang indie games na yung mabibili natin nyan ah!
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
faramond: Most of those are BGM "Radio Station" DLCs, various Content Creator building assets turned DLCs...
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
And yes, there are mods that add radio stations SO THERE'S NO POINT GETTING THE RADIO STATION DLCs
1 months ago
chaosghost: well, that just proves my point, doesn't it? like, parang ang sakit sa loob to spend 7k on a game--no matter how many hours I would have sunk into it.
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
(That's how I discovered "Stay With Me" and "Plastic Love" songs. Cuz there's a 80s Japanese pop radio station mod)
1 months ago
Shet (lmao) of all the ways I've seen someone get exposed to City Pop, this is probably the weirdest.
1 months ago
faramond: i'm more of a console player. (LOL)
also, i don't have steam. xD
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
my main regret for being a purely PC player is that I can't play Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball BLOODBORNE (ninja)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
ukifuneritsu:The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Cities Skylines | Ga...You'll be interested in this guide by my favorite skylines youtuber City Planner Plays. Yes his day job is as a City Planner so his insights as he makes his cities is what makes him so popular
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
Also his videos' background music is so chill it has its own playlist that I listen to on its own (LOL)City Planner Plays Music Mix - Selected Songs by @Ci...
1 months ago
the guide:
i watched the first few minutes and i understaood nothing! i'm no urban planner! i'll keep this on my favorites so i can use this a sa guide later on when i'm playing the game~ thanks!(LOL)
the music:
thanks for this! this is really good as a BGM for productive stuff~ (LOL)
1 months ago
ukifuneritsu: Oh, I see~ Good luck, I guess?
(I am a bit worried about how the controls would work on console tho, but that's just me being mostly a PC gamer nowadays).
1 months ago
ukifuneritsu: RE: Guide, just keep it handy, I suppose. And if I were you, I'd just focus on enjoying the game than dive head first into optimizing your city.
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
The guide will make a lot more sense once you've actually played the game, it's one of those things that seem daunting until you get into the controls yourself (LOL)
1 months ago
^ this. basically this.
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
The guide itself is about the simplest you can play the game. Green goes next to blue, blue goes next to yellow, never should yellow and green be next to each other. Dead ends are EVIL AND SHOULD ALWAYS BE AVOIDED.
1 months ago
Oh no! (rofl)
I used dead-ends and one-way streets in some of my high-density residential areas (with pedestrian access to public transport).
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
His guide goes through the gameplay progression so he doesn't have pedestrian access yet (LOL)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
I mean pedestrian paths
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
But yeah as a basic guide for a beginner, it's very KISS and explains why he does what he does. A lot of Cities Skylines is managing traffic so he explains why he makes his roads that way, why he builds what where and when, etc.
1 months ago
chaosghost: I probably just skipped all that shit because I've had already poured hours into Sim City 3. Yellow (industrial) should be away from most other zones, and I tend to have my blue (commercial) next to high-capacity thoroughfares enclosing my green (residential) areas.
1 months ago
Bale the same kind of zoning mix I tend to see here in metro manila.
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
Oh, and he explains the most important key in Cities Skylines: DON'T BUILD MORE THAN YOU NEED (LOL)
1 months ago
Ah. Guilty as charged (haha)
I overbuilt my city with lots of utilities: libraries, schools, police and fire stations. Like every district has at least an elementary school, and adjacent districts have a high school and a university. etc...
1 months ago
ang naging ending, my population ended up overeducated. (ninja)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
It's a specific early game issue where you might end up in the red because you built more roads thinking you're going to expand in the future, forgetting completely that road maintenance fees are ridiculous in Skylines
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
or heck, building urban roads for residential when rural dirt roads do the same but cheaper in the early game
1 months ago
ahh~ lol~
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
Yeah his beginner guide actually ended up helping even long time players cuz "oh shi" moments are plenty to be had
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
which is why it's sitting at 5.5M views. I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE THAT MANY CITIES SKYLINES PLAYERS (lmao)
1 months ago
or there's just a lot of players watching and rewatching that shit.
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
Pretty much. the second video in the Tutoria playlist is at 2.2M views, the third video at 900k views
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
15 Essential Cities: Skylines Mods for ABSOLUTE BEGI...I appreciate that he also has a "okay beginner, here's the mods you'll want"
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
and it's at the end of the playlist after you've already learned the basic gameplay and what the DLCs add to your city (LOL)
1 months ago
faramond: "my population ended up overeducated"
a literal academy city.(lmao)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
ukifuneritsu: the Universities DLC lets you build exactly that
1 months ago
ooh! (LOL)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
which has to be a conscious decision on your part to build because there's already a base game university building that provides the same service but with no hassle (LOL)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
the dlc makes you worry about tuition, student population, academic excellence, dormitories, etc. base game? just one building and college educated kids pop out (LOL)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
the DLCs generally add complexity to one aspect, and Natural Disasters in particular has practically nothing except headaches to give you (lmao)
Mark (CG)
1 months ago
as such there are tier lists around on what DLCs to get since they're not equally valuable (or even worth buying)
Marta Ciri Kira
1 months ago
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