Princess Emily
4 months ago
[hades 2 spoilers] damn that was so close
latest #17
Princess Emily
4 months ago
I got all the way through Chronos's first phase without dying a single time
Princess Emily
4 months ago
I had 3 Death Defiances
Princess Emily
4 months ago
and I kept dying to his stupid fucking "you insta-die if you're not standing on the right clock position" thing
Princess Emily
4 months ago
has had a SLIVER of a health bar left
Princess Emily
4 months ago
Princess Emily
4 months ago
and I was wailing on him hoping to finish him off before his next "you insta-die" went off
Doge-lover Joja
4 months ago
you got greedy
Princess Emily
4 months ago
idk if I got greedy so much as I wasn't prepared for insta-death attacks
Princess Emily
4 months ago
it was my first time getting to his second stage
Princess Emily
4 months ago
second time fighting him at all
Princess Emily
4 months ago
my build was SO GOOD though
Princess Emily
4 months ago
Sister Blades with the boon for +200% backstab damage, rare Zeus attack blessing to inflict his lightning thing with attacks which were going off constantly with the back attack damage, faster attack speed with Hermes,
then both the exploding cast and scorching cast, plus expanding size of the cast from Apollo as well as enemies who die with scorch exploding
Princess Emily
4 months ago
all i was doing was casting then attacking until everything everywhere died
Princess Emily
4 months ago
plus I had the Chaos boon of an extra +9 healing between rooms, the Selene special of healing, and some boons that were getting healed from being attacked, taking less damage altogether, and extra health
Princess Emily
4 months ago
so I never suffered from spiraling health during the run
Princess Emily
4 months ago
walked into just about every fight fresh
4 months ago
I lost a recent run in the second phase because two fucking Tempuses died right on top of the safe zone on the instagib attack
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