3 months ago
/swats canon for not giving TLJ a specific age range
latest #44
3 months ago
Just gonna pull a number outta my butt, will decide later if he's bullshitting or not.
3 months ago
He's a lying liar who lies, but he's also a very powerful demon in a world of immortals, so who knows!
3 months ago
he's gotta be like, at least a few hundred years old
3 months ago
At minimum.
3 months ago
I tend to HC him a little closer to a thousand.
3 months ago
me, too tbh
3 months ago
For one thing, he can get away with calling himself an old man even when talking to Xie Lian. XD
3 months ago
3 months ago
At right now in the thread I'm doing, he's freaking out Marik Ishtar. Who's finding out about heavenly demon blood. The positive: It can heal. The negative: Everything else.
XY is like "I kinda wanna nibble".
3 months ago
3 months ago
So forward~
Yup that's him.
3 months ago
Silly boy doesn't know he's already in over his head.
Oh he's drowning. Please give him floaties.
3 months ago
3 months ago
TLJ really could be a menace if he wanted to. Set up a clinic with miracle cures. Blood every patient who comes through. Instant hostages/army.
TLJ you might be the worst, but XY can't say anything about it. And not because he's under control. >.>
He would do the same.
3 months ago
(Also, he totally thinks demonic cultivators as cosplayers.)
Now he wants to show him what he can do.
3 months ago
But the question is: Is resentful energy the same as demonic qi?
...good question. I think sometimes yes, but not always.
XY is a trash Cultivator. I'm sure he used what he found/stole without hesitation.
3 months ago
Probably some difference from source alone. From ghosts, maybe not, from a more demony creature, closer? Like our favorite turtle friend.
Yeah the source would be the determination. I'm sure he smells somewhat demony.
3 months ago
All the better for adoption.
He's very scary, obviously.
3 months ago
Oh lords, they're planning to accessorize.
He's onboard with it. Give him talons.
3 months ago
Sorry Bingbing, you were unfilial too long. He's got a new son/pet/whoknowswhat
XY has finally been adopted haha
3 months ago
However, he may never use his actual name unless it's super serious time
Oh my. TLJ will train him to growl/yowl every time he hears his name lol.
3 months ago
3 months ago
(What's this? A chance to gossip? Say it ain't so!)
3 months ago
(Also, Xue Yang, don't try to eat Mobei. It would end badly. Very, very badly. His uncle is up for grabs though.)
He just wants to be more powerful. To protect his Daozhang!
3 months ago
He'd probably explode. If Shang Qinghua didn't get to him first.
8( That's not helpful!
3 months ago
If you go by the fun idea of the three books actually being in the same world at different times (and therefore possibly all written by Airplane), he could probably be sweettalked into helping.
>.> I could believe that. Help two cute cats get together.
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