Princess Emily
1 months ago
shipping who we're logged in as?
latest #41
Princess Emily
1 months ago
1 months ago
Princess Emily
1 months ago
UltraDude: ...Hm. Not sure how THAT'D work out.
1 months ago
Tsubasa is so intensely serious... but also so weird...
Princess Emily
1 months ago
They're both pretty serious,
Princess Emily
1 months ago
not sure how Maomao would handle her career choice as an idol singer person
Princess Emily
1 months ago
on one hand, she literally grew up with entertainers, but like,
Princess Emily
1 months ago
they were courtesans,
1 months ago
looks at all the random exposed skin on her gear
Princess Emily
1 months ago
I imagine she'd probably think being an idol was kind of like being a courtesan then
Feeling Dwarfy
1 months ago
God, watching these
Feeling Dwarfy
1 months ago
Marcille in the imperial palace would be almost MORE stressful for her than the Dungeon
Princess Emily
1 months ago
Maomao: Is it even okay for you to date while continuing your career?
Tsubasa, thinking about idol culture,
1 months ago
Tsubasa has so many problems on top of that
Princess Emily
1 months ago
Overbringer: the show is VERY up-front and real about how stressful it is, especially in Maomao's position in the palace,
Princess Emily
1 months ago
how her life is expendable and, more than that, how p much anybody with any authority within the palace could just. have her executed. if she fucks up anything.
Princess Emily
1 months ago
if she mouths off to the wrong person? executed
if she fucks up her job and somebody else gets hurt? executed
if she catches a noble in a bad mood? executed
Princess Emily
1 months ago
lastbastion: I have no idea who tf this is,
Princess Emily
1 months ago
so you're gonna need to tell me how they get on
she's an angry toku foxgirl villain turned hero
i don't know maomao but fauna is very justice-driven and very angry and very autistic
Princess Emily
1 months ago
Maomao can definitely be read as autistic too (she DEFINITELY has a special interest) but if so she's the type that learned VERY good how to read people as a survival instinct (and given some of her internal dialog, this might just be the case - she's very clinical in dissecting how people are acting)
Princess Emily
1 months ago
I don't know if Maomao would get along with Fauna though. She's very think-things-through, follow plans, be smart about it
Princess Emily
1 months ago
if they were dating Maomao would definitely be holding onto Fauna's leash, I guess, and at that point it's "how well would Fauna handle that"
yeah... it really depends on how their first impressions go i think
fauna is very much someone who tends to be a follower- she used to be an evil general and then she's the secondary rider
but she like... she's very impulsive and acts before thinking
and she tends to carry her first opinion of someone forever
1 months ago
oh right and how does maomao feel about tidiness
Doge-lover Joja
1 months ago
Tsubasa, you can't use being a sword as an excuse to not tidy up
Princess Emily
1 months ago
tsubasa how have you not been executed for this room
Princess Emily
1 months ago
1 months ago
she's the upper class v_v on the one hand? Literally an imperial princess. On the other? Absolutely tired of politics and smiling nicely for people so she'd not only think Maomao is the funniest thing ever but be so relieved to have someone she can keep it real with and who's smart enough to switch modes with her.
Also she murdered an entire ring of black market child traffickers. So she'd probably just enable all of Maomao 's worst ideas.
1 months ago
... Pidonus, as all too often. Maomao's particular energy may work well here.
Love Snake Kaja
1 months ago
You get Gank Fest who I'm pretty sure is too old for Maomao
I've got Musse so uh... that's a thign
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