❀ 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔶𝔫 🗡
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
[also work hhhhh] determined to catch up... hmu if you want to arrange boomerangs today or later this week
latest #23
I'm taking a trip next Wed thru end of the month. may or may not be around so I'm going to try to further threads as much as possible before then
1 months ago
i'd like to wrap our awakening thread just so we have it before the next event
1 months ago
it prob doesn't need to be too long tho!
1 months ago
but im prob not gonna be continuing too many event threads past may
discontinued: sounds good, I will prioritize it. I was waiting for some of the pre-awakening things to get rolling more, sorry for the delay in responding. I agree it might not need to be long...
I'll be around this week except thurs and pretty much all sunday
1 months ago
no its totally ok! i had some delays too, but im more ok with the pre-3 month stuff going longterm just bc its all handwaved to a certain degree (and the mems are gonna be fuzzy) but geralt will rmr all the awakening things clearly
1 months ago
so if it works for you i think the awakening stuff getting done will be good and we can take our time w/ everything else!
discontinued: oh sure!! that works for me

I'm still

so much for trying to tag this week
that's what I get for going to Disneyland on a workday
this doesn't have much to do with Abraxas it just didn't deserve its own plurk
today i made the mistake of all you can eat sushi and I'm still recovering 5 hours later. will attempt to tag. in my sushi stupor.
realizing how much work I actually have to do before I leave on Wednesday and panicking a Little
ok I'm finally caught up to everything that I intend to continue. I'm going to be dropping any more casual chatter threads and focus on awakening/catalyst ones

past threads can be back tagged at their own pace
I did just drink a bunch of vodka last night and slam thru them LMAO it works every time but I can't be drinking every time my inbox fills up
it's so freaking cold and gloomy again I hate this. gotta try to get thru work and pack today and hopefully set myself up for NOT panicking on the last day tomorrow so I can squeeze one more gym session in before I leave
drinking & tagging is so real sometimes when I just need to bang out a bunch and I need the fortitude, I'll have some gin but yes can't every time lol
geekorthodox: you get me!!!

yeah sometimes my inbox stresses me out and I just. need a little "stop caring what your writing sounds like" juice
going from "everything sounds terrible" to "I'm SO good at this actually" LMAO
YES this exactly lol it's lil' boost & reassurance for a bit. that nice nice courage
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