4 months ago
Life Update
latest #12
4 months ago
Found out my uncle passed away unexpectedly.

Apparently my kid and I are not invited to neieces graduation.

Both are long explanations. Short version is my uncle was foster to my grandparents who also fostered my mom. He was only about 5 years older than me. My brother is an asshole and I'm going even if we have to wait outside.
4 months ago
Still haven't found a second job, but working on it.

Got the new battery for mom's car. Please says prayers it fixes the car. We desperately need it working.
4 months ago
Rewatched the entire Downton Abby again.

Been to busy to write or tag.

Made lots of progress on the patio.
4 months ago
I'm growing bell peppers and tomatoes.
4 months ago
My pain levels are high most of the time and I can barely walk. But can't stop. One day I'll be able to lose some weight again and maybe that will help.
4 months ago
Furbabies are doing well. We have a feeling our puppy won't be with us much longer. His health issues are getting worse and we can't afford a vet yet.
4 months ago
Watching Red, White, and Royal Blue again because I can't seem to manage anything new.
4 months ago
I did make dinner for mom and the angel food cake is cooling for dessert.

Happy mothers day to all the mommies.
4 months ago
emily ✟
4 months ago
4 months ago
4 months ago
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