At a kid's birthday day party. Wish me luck.
latest #13
It's my friends' kid. I can't believe how old she is now. Time really does fly.
Anyway, that's my night. I spent the day cleaning so no tags were had. Tomorrow should be the day!
I have managed to survive so far. End of the party, more or less. (It was an outdoor movie night.)
Man, I don't know what happened today but I have being feeling blah all day. Just tired and lethargic the whole time. Tried napping but I really should know better. It just does not work for me.
I didn't, like, stay up super late or anything last night either.
But I guess I just didn't sleep that well.
Anyway, I did a few easy tags but I really wanted to hit up all of them. Alas.
Mostly I'm just disappointed because I want to continue them but what is having a brain.
1 months ago
yep, I'm right there with ya
oh no. it's not the worst but it is not fun lbr. it sucks.
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