Compared to CS4... That main story mode was so much shorter and to the point
It truly felt like a epilogue arc
I can see why Falcom fell in love with the route format since Trails story, casts and lore have become so damn huge now
This comes back in Kuro 2 and they're bringing it back for Kai
That means Kuro/Daybreak is the last normal format (for now)
OVERALL... Def. enjoyed this one a lot! I think this is the closest the series has felt to Sky 3rd
Not as psychologically dark but there were some DEEP moments between some of the characters
Apparently, Kuro's writing team worked on C route so I guess that's why it felt so different
YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR HER SWIN... But at least you get your act together in Kuro 2

/two games later
Van: "I need you two to do some dubious jobs for me while I'm always on some dubious business."
Out of all three routes, I liked C(Rufus)'s route the best but it was too short!!
Could def. see the DNA of Kuro with the morally gray team doing morally grey things
Rean's route had the best endings... IT WAS JUST ONE HYPE TRAIN AFTER ANOTHER
Lloyd's route wasn't bad but I wish it wasn't a rehash of Azure
Playing this after the Crossbell games made it hit harder BUT I wish it was more than the Re-Re-Reindendence of Crossbell
Going to miss that cast a lot tho'... Especially since it may be the last time we even visit Crossbell

"I shall put an end to this... Trails Into Reverie™."
Rean has a great character arc but it just takes a while to get there
My favorite version of him was in CS2 but I'm on the Reverie Rean train now
In CS3-CS4, he wasn't bad but his arc was put on hiatus to develop other characters and deal with bigger problems
So it was nice that this game gave Rean a chance to step back to process everything that happened and who he is as a person

That said, I REALLY liked Ishmelga Rean as a main villain. He did not overstay his welcome and he was a nice balance between creepy and tragic
Felt like a more well-executed Lord of Phantasma... In Sky 3rd, LoP was more of an antagonist for Kevin's character arc but its impact on the overarching lore was low

I have questions about this but we probably won't get answers for another few games
what the fuck is in SPACE???

Considering the "break free from the shackles of the Goddess" line is the same thing that the DG cult says... I don't think this is a coincidence
I think there's plenty of ways via do drugs and fucked up experiments (DG cult style) OR gattai with an eldritch curse to yeet yourself into space
I wonder how Rean Alter saw that future, but DETAILS... I'm guessing Elysium showed him that future

Lloyd really felt like the center protag in this game... Rean and Rufus had their moments, but this truly felt like a Crossbell game feat. these two other teams
McFireBro will be very important for the future
I hope him and Van meet since that would be a VERY interesting conversation
I'm ahead of the curb and I still don't know but we'll be finding it next entry
Will be hard to top Ozzy, he had eight games worth of build up
Anywho, gotta finish up the post game to see the Kuro stories

Grandmaster is on the logo for Kai so HMMM
I expect her to play a big role unless she appears for five minutes again to say some cryptic bullshit, refuse to elaborate then leave-
But Kai no Kiseki's logo might be my favorite one yet
Wonder how it'll look in english... Hate for them to get rid of the cute GM logo and FAREWELL O ZEMURIA but it will be what it will be