2 months ago
[family death, a long time ago] Nothing serious or anything. Just pol think thoughts.
latest #20
2 months ago
So my dad worked for UNICEF for nearly 30 years, and other UN agencies through out the rest of it.
2 months ago
I basically grew up in that community in NY, Ive been going to the main blg and the UNICEF bld since babyhood. He was also very outspoken for the palestinian cause since forever.
2 months ago
He educated everyone he had ever met on it as well. And personally changed the perspective on a bunch of his friends.
2 months ago
hes been gone since 2012 and I really wonder what he would have said. So many little comments he had mentioned in passing had come true. He was really knowledgable on world affairs
jill grahamyao
2 months ago
2 months ago
I think he would be pleasently surprised by the movement as it is. and of course horrified at the genocide. But man i wish he was around for his insight on things.
2 months ago
they may instate palestinian statehood in the un tomorrow and Im really hoping for it
2 months ago
He left America post 911 to his home country of bangladesh and I had resented him for dragging be back then
2 months ago
i resented him for years bc ofc it was a huge culture shock for me.
2 months ago
But as a grownup I get it.
2 months ago
I get why he never took a US passport
2 months ago
despite living here for so long
2 months ago
He said he pays taxers to the UN and not the US
2 months ago
and why he left as well. It was good for him as a cis male from the dominant religion and the upper class there.
2 months ago
of course it was a good move for him
2 months ago
not so much for my brother or i but I do get where he is coming from.
2 months ago
I am grateful to have grown up around such a global community.
2 months ago
and sometime i wanna fuck off out of the US
2 months ago
but I do love this city with my heart
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