ig? https://images.plurk.com/1Wz0Jt3eOzTThcWk5OuQE1.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5HZsbqFl32V57SGIXc9FlA.jpg
what i've been doing past couple of nights to keep busy.
latest #10
dug out the supplies my mom got me a while back and started coloring while listening to podcasts and stuff.
been tired this week so kinda vegging with this.
(will get back to tags this weekend when not as tired hopefully)
2 months ago
YAY. Coloring can be so nice for the zen. (I really like the flower color palette you chose)
It's been nice. Although I do get really focused on precision sometimes and take a long time. (Thank you. Blues, purples, and greens are my favorite colors so I like that one.)
(I was going to do blue birds but I was looking at the pencils and decided maybe I should abuse a different color for a while. XD )
2 months ago
oh that's lovely
2 months ago
I'll have to decide what to color next. :3
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